verm__ changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.5.0 | docs: | tutorial: | irclogs:
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<jmd> Is there a way to mutate the buildbot database? I have to update a lot of hisorical references.
<abby> sqlite cli?
<jmd> Yes. I guess I will have to learn how to use it.
<jmd> Does a buildbot master get automatically started on reboot, or must I take care of that?
<abby> depends on how you're running it
<jmd> what do you mean?
<jmd> Normally one runs it by typing "buildbot start"
<abby> like you could be running it in a container or as a service
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<jmd> I'm using it out of the box. Nothing special.
<abby> if you're just running it in a terminal and letting it daemonise, then you'll probably need to restart it at next boot
<jmd> Okay, then I'll look into getting it started by cron or something.
<abby> a service would make more sense, probably
<jmd> Probably. But they are complicated to set up.
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<jmd> I have a multihomed host running buildbot.
<jmd> Whenever anyone browses the web page it claims that I've misconfigured it.
<jmd> How can I fix this?
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