verm__ changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.5.0 | docs: | tutorial: | irclogs:
MattJ has joined #buildbot
<MattJ> Apologies if this is a known issue, but someone just pointed out to me that the links on under "Getting Started" in the top navbar lead to 404s
Guest2827 is now known as mjw
vext01 has joined #buildbot
<vext01> any ideas why buildbot takes ages to start after upgrading to 4.0.0?
<vext01> I would use the profiler, but it doesn't seem to start
<vext01> stopping takes ages too
<vext01> during start gets slow at:
<vext01> 2024-07-04 13:58:48+0100 [-] adding 4 new builders, removing 0
<vext01> strace suggests its to do with futexes
<vext01> web ui is also pretty sluggish
mjw is now known as Guest7935
Guest7935 has quit [Killed ( (Nickname regained by services))]
Guest7935 has joined #buildbot
Luj has quit [Quit: The Lounge -]
Luj has joined #buildbot
Luj has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
Luj9 has joined #buildbot