verm__ changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.5.0 | docs: | tutorial: | irclogs:
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<vext01> Hi!
<vext01> does anyone know a way to have buildbot indicate success if the incoming change has a property with a certain value
<vext01> I need all changes with a property `event=pull_request` to pass unconditionally
<vext01> (why? becuase I'm migrating from bors-ng to GHMQs and I don't want tests to run when the PR is opened, only when it is added to the merge queue)
<vext01> (github currently requires that you run the same set of status checks at PR raise time and merge queue time, so I have to do the filtering in buildbot)
mark_ is now known as mjw
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