verm__ changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.5.0 | docs: | tutorial: | irclogs:
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vext01 has joined #buildbot
<vext01> hi everyone
glogan has joined #buildbot
<vext01> we had a OOM situation on our CI server today
<vext01> i did a soft reboot via the management console, but upon coming back up, buildbot isn't firing off builds any more
<vext01> when i force a build, it gets stuck as a build request
<vext01> master log adds one line:
<vext01> 2022-09-26 11:15:34+0100 [-] added buildset 3164 to database
<vext01> i wonder if the db is corrupted
<vext01> any ideas what i can try please?
<vext01> seems the workers are in a mess
<vext01> the web ui says they are present, but they are not
<vext01> and they wont restart due to a stale pid file
<vext01> weird
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mark_ has joined #buildbot
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