verm__ changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.5.0 | docs: | tutorial: | irclogs:
rburton has joined #buildbot
<rburton> So currently every buildbot html page has <title>Buildbot</title> that then gets renamed at runtime with js. However, I do some integration with buildbot urls which scrape the title from the html, so always gets buildbot. Is there a way I can set the correct initial title in the generated html?
<rburton> 100% new to jade, so be gentle ;)
<rburton> for example the source of has <title>Buildbot</title> not "builder buildbot db:sqlite ..."
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Vesryn has joined #buildbot
<Vesryn> Hey, quite new with buildbot, I don't understand why a build step is failing and I failed to found something in the docs that explain why.
<Vesryn> I want to simply move a file like so: factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command=["mv", "*.out", "/out"]))
<Vesryn> It seem that path isn't being expanded with glob. Should I do that another way, if so how?
<Foxboron> the globs needs a shell, you don't get a shell if you use a list
<Foxboron> So "*.out" is expanded as the literal string, not the expanded
<Foxboron> Just use a string, command="mv *.out /out" instead
<Vesryn> Hmm, I have tried that without success. What seem to work is using command=["/bin/bash", "-c", "mv *.out /out"].
<Vesryn> Not sure if that the best way to do that build step, as ideally I would also like to gather the files in a list to then do some other things with them. But that still does the job that I asked/want so thanks for putting me on a path to find a solution.
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<Foxboron> and then
<Foxboron> do something like that
<Vesryn> I will bookmark that, having real world example is nice.
<Foxboron> still need to clean up stuff
<Foxboron> it's a bit too convoluted atm
<Vesryn> Well, I'm also using it for a repo. One part for packages that I patch or not available in my distro repo and the other for building androids apps that I patch.
<Foxboron> :)