tardyp changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.2.0 | docs: http://docs.buildbot.net/current/ | tutorial: http://docs.buildbot.net/current/tutorial | irclogs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/buildbot
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<felixfontein> is it normal that the bb check just waits forever in a PR? (https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/pull/6121)
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<p12tic> tardyp, skelly: Looks like subprocess.Popen(['my', 'arg', 'list'], shell=True) does not work on the new FreeBSD
<p12tic> Seems like a reason to switch to something else sooner rather than later
<p12tic> I could migrate events and buildbot to somewhere
<p12tic> I like the OSUOSL idea that was raised before
<p12tic> Could we ask OSUOSL about what we need to do to be able to host on their cluster?
<p12tic> felixfontein: It's just our scripts being not upgraded after OS upgrade on the system that runs buildbot.buildbot.net
<tardyp> p12tic: in my understanding, subprocess.Popen(['my', 'arg', 'list'], shell=True) should never work
<tardyp> when shell=True, the args should be a string
<tardyp> The shell argument (which defaults to False) specifies whether to use the shell as the program to execute. If shell is True, it is recommended to pass args as a string rather than as a sequence.
<tardyp> I don't like too much this phrasing
<tardyp> they do not say why
<tardyp> I don't see why it wouldn't work on freebsd.
<tardyp> koobs is maitaining the freebsd packages. I think he would have detected this issue before
<p12tic> so the issue is that e.g. /bin/sh -c yarn --version treats --version as the argument to the shell itself
<p12tic> /bin/sh -c "yarn --version" works
<p12tic> It's an interesting incompatibility that I guess people will get burned by
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<tardyp> I guess it is indeed more /bin/sh which is different
<tardyp> on freebsd
<tardyp> might be derivated of csh and not bash like linux
<tardyp> this might also be the same for other bsd
<tardyp> on macos /bin/sh is bash
<p12tic> yes
<p12tic> tardyp: Will `ansible-playbook local.yml --vault-password=~/.vault-password` work on all jails?
<tardyp> yes, on bootstrap of a jail, the vault-password file is copied to the bbinfra user directory
<p12tic> great
<p12tic> my primary concern is not to break something by running local.yml
<felixfontein> p12tic: ah, so it's related to that :)
<tardyp> bash -c echo toto
<tardyp> does not echo anything
<tardyp> p12tic: are you really sure there are any shell which has "/bin/sh -c yarn --version" working?
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<tardyp> bash -c yarn --version
<tardyp> --version: line 1: yarn: command not found
<tardyp> so in bash, the second argument after -c is the command name that is displayed for errors
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<p12tic> tardyp: Indeed, looks like I should have selected a simplier example with echo like you say
<p12tic> yarn without --version still prints version number in the first line - that confused me
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<tardyp> anyways, this is still a good catch!
<p12tic> tardyp: Could you green ligth https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot-infra/pull/243?
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DanBot is now known as DanDare
<dol-sen> tardyp, p12tic python3.9 setup.py install --skip-build --root=/var/tmp/portage/dev-util/buildbot-pkg-3.2.0/image/_python3.9
<dol-sen> warnings.warn(tmpl.format(**locals()))
<dol-sen> total of 2 of those in latest release
<dol-sen> * Normalizing '2021.06.17' to '2021.6.17'
<dol-sen> * Normalizing '2021.06.20' to '2021.6.20'
<dol-sen> any idea where???
<dol-sen> oh, is in buildbot-pkg
<dol-sen> I'm not finding it anywhere in hte tarball or sources
<dol-sen> must be a bug in our eclass...
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