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<set_> Fri-Fri-Friday Funday!
<set_> I made it...
<set_> Huh.
<set_> i have been messing with the RepliCape again. Does anyone here still "use" this device on the BBB or other boards?
<set_> I was going to start to use the beagleY-AI but...
<set_> 1. My add-on daughter cards so far are tricky.
<set_> and...
<set_> 2. I do not know how to utilize them just yet.
<set_> That is the current, ha, daughter card, Hat, Cape, whatever...
<set_> Has anyone used this one?
<set_> Okay!
<set_> how can I read a distance sensor via GPIO with gpiod in C while capturing the distance in realtime?
<set_> My logic is off. Okay! Off to read...
<set_> Okay...it is a analog or serial connection that needs to be made (presumably).
<set_> Not gpio. Blah.
<set_> The wiki of the this sensor says D7. I am not quite sure what this entails. D7 is code for serial or ADC.
<set_> Blah. Off for the night.
<set_> And with that idea, I fall in a vast wonderland of thinking...ha.
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<zmatt> what sensor?
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<set_> ultrasonic distance sensor.
<set_> It is a grove sensor with 5v, some signal, and GND. It has another wire but it is a NC (not connected) wire.
<jakllsch> so, like a HC-SR04?
<jakllsch> istr there's a linux driver for that already
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<set_> I am not sure.
<set_> This does not have Trigger and Echo listed on it.
<set_> I am going to look into their open source software in the future and see what it is they are actually doing.
<set_> it calls grove.gpio but here is another set of functions for it: https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/grove.py/blob/master/grove/grove_ultrasonic_ranger.py
<set_> oh...
<set_> They are using rpi.gpio and I am not sure how "deep" that source goes now.
<set_> I guess I can use ADC.
<set_> bbl
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