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Thank you. eMMC is faster most likely. Okay. Thank you.
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that assumes the board was designed right.... eMMC can work in 1 or 4 bit modes too...another gotcha is how the SW configures (i.e. pinmux)
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in theory yes, but it's definitely 8-bit on the ai64 (which I assume is the A72 he's referring to)
also, I did say _max data rate_ and that it depends exactly which transfer speeds (which depends on bus frequency, number of data lines, and whether it's SDR or DDR) are supported by the host and card
the ai64 supports 8-bit HS200 (200MB/s) and the eMMC it uses specs a typical sequential read speed of 310MB/s in HS400 mode, i.e. it should be able to max out HS200
the beagley-ai supports max 4-bit 200MHz (100MB/s), so like I said: half the transfer speed, and that's assuming the card can actually keep up with that
if the beagley-ai had the same eMMC as the ai64 it would actually be faster, since the AM67A supports HS400 on its eMMC interface
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