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<mvaittin> conchuod: Good question :) Unfortunately, I've no answer for you - but I guess I can see if I find one from the company ;)
<Xogium> mvaittin: wrong nick ?
<mvaittin> Xogium: why so?
<mvaittin> Oh, I understand your question about the nick when I look at the chat history :) But no, my reply really was for conchuod
<conchuod> mvaittin: Thanks
* ukleinek also wondered about the context
<mvaittin> Well, we need to go a bit back on time :) - "<conchuod> mvaittin: is a dh2228fv a product Rohm ever sold, or is it likely a typo of bh2228fv?"
<conchuod> I've been wondering about that device for a while. the spidev driver binds to it but google gives me no results for it other than kernel patches or advice about spidev.
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<mvaittin> I sent a question to the HQ - but it may take a while to get an answer... A while can be anything from seconds to never ;)
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<mvaittin> But I suspect you might be right. It's not really rare that ROHM would create an IC which is only ever given for one customer, and never mentioned in any public documents - but it'd be quite a coincidence that the full model number including trailing 'fv' was same for two products.
<mvaittin> Still, I can't say anything for sure myself
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<mvaittin> I got following reply from the HQ: "All ROHM general purpose IC should be named as started from "B", and so it may be typo.
<mvaittin> And BH2228FV is listed as 8bit DAC with SPI I/F, then I believe that it should be typo"
<mvaittin> Still, to be on a safe side one could ask from someone who has worked on boards that have this IC in the dts
<mvaittin> With a bit of luck someone could even see the IC on board and what has been printed on it ;)
<Xogium> my bad ;)
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<conchuod> I think mripard was the one that added it, like 15 years ago or so.
<conchuod> And I suspect that most boards with that in the dts are just abuse of it, since you can't put spidev in your dts.
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<javierm_> conchuod: fascinating, I see that even official documentations (e.g: suggest to abuse it
<conchuod> Every time an abuse comes through my inbox, I'm sorely tempted to write a driver for that DAC
<javierm_> conchuod: LOL, I wonder how many systems would break if suddenly a real linux driver bound to that device
<javierm_> conchuod: in a way it seems that I contributed to the abuse, by preventing a "spidev" compatible string:
<javierm_> *to be used
<conchuod> I dunno, javierm_ maybe you made it worse since if people pick a random compatible to avoid the error they could lose their userspace control iff a driver appears.
<conchuod> Obviously what we'd like is for people to document their devices and add them, but why do that when you can pretend you have that rohm device :)
<javierm_> conchuod: yeah...
<mvaittin> I think I saw a comment somewhere about an use-case where a board has an SPI-port which can be populated with a device by user.
<mvaittin> That'd might warrant use of linux,spidev ?
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<javierm_> mvaittin: but that's no different than the rpi hats or BBB capes right? I mean, they could use device tree overlays for that
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<mvaittin> javierm_: I suppose so. Still, if we have a thing like 'SPI-port' in HW, then I don't see it so wrong to describe it as 'spidev'. But yeah, I have no strong experience or opinion on that :) Still, I feel almost anything is better than a "company,device-which-does-not-exists-on-the-board". Almost.
<mvaittin> Sure the "company,device-which-does-not-exist-anywhere" can be considered even worse ;)
<javierm_> mvaittin: yeah...
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<broonie> You should describe the thing that's connected, not the port. Or invent the connector binding we all want...
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<maz> robher: regarding this PASemi regression: I think the new implementation of interrupt-map parsing is slightly more strict than it was before, so we fail earlier and never evaluate the !match condition.
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<robher> maz: Thanks for the heads up.
<robher> maz: I may have a dump from the last time nemo broke...
<maz> robher: potential workaround on the list, but I'd like to see the DT to be sure.
<maz> robher: I decided to forget everything about it...
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<robher> maz: best I can tell, the interrupt-map in pxp node is crap. IIRC, this was the platform that broke when we changed how interrupt-controller and interrupt-map in one node behaved. There's no way to translate <0x9 0x1> with interrupt-map in .../pci@11/pci@12 which appears to be the ATA node.
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