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<DC-IRC> [Discord] <liwei19920307> Thx
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<DC-IRC> [Discord] <liwei19920307> I compiled armbian with the new 6.1 kernel for a 3566 board, and the NPU and VPU seem to be fine, and the GPU doesn't seem to work
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <amazingfate> Panfrost failed to get opp of gpu. I will look into it
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <spooky8086> I think this may be linux-6.1-stan-rkr2 uploaded by jeffy? His previous 6.1 tag was rkr1.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <amazingfate> Let's wait for sdk release.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <liwei19920307> Well done, npu and mpp decoding is fine
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <liwei19920307> Compared to the 5.10 kernel, the usage is about the same
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> Would anybody in the EU be interested in my 16GB nanopc-t6 (no emmc)?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> looking for 80% of the retail price. I got a Rock5B too and I prefer USB ports over Ethernet ports and I don't need two devices anymore
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> How much in € ?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> How much in € ? and with or without case?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> with a case and power adapter
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> with a case and a power adapter
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I think 220€ would be fair
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I also have a 2TB Samsung 970 Evo in but it's not that difficult to sell it locally - unless you're interested - it has less than a year and smartctl stats are good (4% used, 100% available spare)
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I followed you on twitter, check my profile
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> okay, maybe someone else is interested.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> ~275 is the cheapest I have found on Amazon. Aliexpress doesn't show additional border custom fees etc
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> ~275 is the cheapest I have found on Amazon. Aliexpress doesn't show additional border custom fees etc. I could add free shipping too πŸ™‚
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I think 200-220€ would be fair
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> you might struggle at that price given it can be bought brand new with emmc, case, psu and some extras
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> all fees included in my case (UK)
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> Is this the LTS version? (With USB-C debug serial port?)
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> no. it's the first release
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> is that shipping to EU?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> if so, I doubt it's a final price
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> final price to UK
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> usually you pay vat on the british border
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> yes, and this is the final price on this one
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> ali takes cares of the vat themselves
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> I doubt that.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> To NL, I'd pay USD$ 238 for the same board+case+power with shipping, but there's a good chance I'll be charged 21% VAT plus ~6EUR if inspected, which has been 50%+ from china.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> i always get the vat added by ali express
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> i have just checked aliexpress and 16gb/256emmc are close to $300 for me, with a case and a power adapter
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> e.g., last order
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> the tax at the bottom = UK vat
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> maybe you're getting different pricing than here. normally should be the same
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> well, for such a small worth it works completely differently here were I live
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> nobody cares about fees for $50 worth items
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> but for $200-300, it's another story
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> wow. i changed to france and
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> oops, wrong shipping
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> wtf is that, 66 euros???
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> oh look, it appears i was right
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> damn. there is no free shipping to france
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> let me try a different country
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> there are several options - the seller can cover the vat himself, but usually it's not happening this way
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I assumed my 200eur price pretty fair comparing to $300 on ali for a 16/256
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> that';s strange, coz all my orders get VAT added automatically
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> this is to spain
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> it says vat included in there
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> same item
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> source?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> yeah, add the vat
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> it's added already
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I doubt it
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> it says in the checkout
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> even if the website is telling you one thing, another thing is the border itself
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> and this is were you pay, ali doesn't collect that
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> it does for me
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> anyway, if smbd is interested, pls message me, I want sell it for a fair price, not to make any kind of little profit on it
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> not gonna argue about random pics anymore, pls excuse me
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <dualtachyon> good luck with that, "oh look i was right" when you're not. i'm leaving, coz i don't like to be insulted
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> man, after brexit, us have an absolute cluster fck with imports
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> more over, ali shows prices around $300 for me
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I have no idea how vat acts in the uk and I'm not going to argue about it anymore. additionally, i said i would like to ship to EU, not to UK, so I don't quite understand your position. haven't insulted you btw
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> man, after brexit, the uk have an absolute cluster fck with imports
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> this is how it looks for me, I hope the language isn't a problem to understand the matter. the vat is deducted by ali from the initial price. yet this vat (+additional import fees) are collected on the EU border and you pay them in most cases (excluding items worth $50 and less)
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> this is how it looks for me, I hope the language isn't a problem to understand the matter. the vat is deducted by ali from the initial price. yet this vat (+additional import fees) are collected on the EU border and you pay it anyway in most cases (excluding items worth $50 and less)
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> if smbd would link me a better offer on ali, I would be ok to negotiate and agree on a fair price. Please excuse me for flooding the chat with this topic
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> this is how it looks for me, I hope the language isn't a problem to understand the matter. the vat is deducted by ali from the initial price. yet this vat (+additional import fees) are collected on the EU border and you pay it anyway in most cases (excluding items worth1$50 and less)
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> if smbd would link me a better offer on ali, I would be ok to negotiate and agree on a fair price. Please excuse me for flooding the chat with this topic
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> if smbd would paste me a better offer from ali, i'm ok to negotiate and agree on a fair price
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> thanks for adding that
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> I'm just obsessed about the USB-C serial debug port, ESP32's have that for years, this T6-LTS thing is the first SBC I've seen with it.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> But the non-LTS version should be fine for most folks, I just do a lot of UARTing.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> i know, it's not a thing for most users
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> Aaand the pic ya'll been waiting for πŸ˜‰
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> Aaand the pic ya'll been waiting for πŸ˜‰
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> (corrected)
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> it's... better... than a year ago... but still very confusing.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> 5.1 -> 6.7 gave me a massive boost in SSD performance
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> whatya got there
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> we've stuff all over rk35xx, rockchip-rk3588, and rockchip64, and a 2nd vendor kernel coming in πŸ˜‰
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> yeah fusk that πŸ˜„
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> rk35xx should have been the family for all the well, RK35xx stuff
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> Rockchip64 is fucked up enough with the RK3328 and RK3308 having nothing in common with the RK3399
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> yeah seems the only sane thing to do is to move all `rockchip-rk3588` -> `rk35xx`
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> main difference (not shown in table above) is u-boot
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> yeah... and honestly families are just a broken idea anymore :/
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> RK3328 has less in common with RK3399 than a 32-bit RK3288 does πŸ˜„
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> what I cant' grok are those 3566/3568 that claim to be in rk35xx but are just rockchip64
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> yeah.....
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> LUDICROUS SPEED!
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> if you’re talking about 5.10 on friendlyelec their DTS use PCIe 2 for some reason while mainline is PCie3
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> no, I meant armbian
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I have no idea how vat works in the uk and I'm not going to argue about it anymore. additionally, i said i would like to ship to EU, not to UK, so I don't quite understand your position. haven't insulted you btw
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I use it to test various Ethereum node configs
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I use it to test various Ethereum node configs
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <lanefu> T6 envy
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <rpardini> It works! I sent πŸ˜„
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> ** if smbd would paste me a better offer from ali, i'm ok to negotiate and agree on a fair price **
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <smc4203> I think 200€ would be fair