<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> One of the problems with tvboxes as far as I can tell... People like to generally keep the magic of making them work like any other SBC a secret for some reason. I've only ever messed with one and honestly once I figured it out, it was surprisingly simple. We would still be hard pressed to find any really info on the subject though.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> One of the problems with tvboxes as far as I can tell... People like to generally keep the magic of making them work like any other SBC a secret for some reason. I've only ever messed with one and honestly once I figured it out, it was surprisingly simple. We would still be hard pressed to find any real info on the subject though.
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> Well in my experience (all 4 I've worked with), the hardware changes almost weekly with no external changes/naming changes (wifi, Ethernet phy, etc) Ugoos seems better but 🤷‍♂️
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<DC-IRC> <lanefu> Inovato Quadra is a TV box and they're a Silver Partner.
<DC-IRC> <lanefu> Sorry it's an H6.. #offtopic
<DC-IRC> <dsx724> Armbian just needs a catch page about TV boxes and why they're just bad news.
<DC-IRC> <dsx724> Between unknown PCB and part matrix and the general shittiness of the components used, it is an endless hassle.
<DC-IRC> <dsx724> Maybe it is best to support only devices that have known schematics.
<DC-IRC> <dsx724> I may disagree with Igor on the means but I agree with Igor on the ends.
<DC-IRC> <Werner> FAQ covers tvboxes
<DC-IRC> <dsx724> Well, it is not catching these users.
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Suggestions welcome 🙂
<DC-IRC> <dsx724> That is why I mentioned catch page. Stuff an entry into a FAQ is not a catch page.
<DC-IRC> <dsx724> Instead of endless frustration between differences of opinion, just have a link. It is faster and less stressful for everyone.
<DC-IRC> <dsx724> Just stating this from a practical perspective.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> Maybe deploying a page like armbian.com/tvbox with links to forum, etc, and instructions about not posting here.
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> And then adding it to this channel's description -- which seems empty?
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> For visibility: I've heard about `simpledrm` causing trouble on Amlogic some 2-3 times already, someone sent a PR blacklisting it... https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/5901