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<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> So, I wired up a composite cable for my Le Potato, which is tricky because it uses a nonstandard pinout.
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> Unfortunately, it's not displaying correctly.`cat /sys/devices/platform/soc/d0100000.vpu/graphics/fb0/modes` returns `U:720x576p-0`. And my TV is NTSC. How do I switch it to NTSC?
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> My TV doesn't support 480p, so I'd prefer 240p.
<DC-IRC> <Tearran> Might try /boot/armbianEnv.txt a 4:3 aspect would be `disp_mode=640x480p60`
<DC-IRC> <Tearran> 300x300 is the smallest web browser window I have managed on a deb system.
<DC-IRC> <Tearran> Might try /boot/armbianEnv.txt a 4:3 aspect would be `disp_mode=640x480p60`
<DC-IRC> <Tearran> beyond that experiment with the size.
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> I think I got it with fbset and/or xrandr
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> I think I got it with fbset and/or xrandr (to 480i)
<DC-IRC> <Tearran> Nice.
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> Still trying to figure out how to get 240p
<DC-IRC> <Tearran> 300x300 is the smallest I was able to get On a deb xorg.
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> xrandr says it has a minimum of 320x 200
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> ```aj@lepotato:~$ cvt 320 240
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> # 320x240 59.52 Hz (CVT 0.08M3) hsync: 15.00 kHz; pclk: 6.00 MHz
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> Modeline "320x240_60.00" 6.00 320 336 360 400 240 243 247 252 -hsync +vsync
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> aj@lepotato:~$ xrandr --newmode "320x240_60.00" 6.00 320 336 360 400 240 243 247 252 -hsync +vsync
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> aj@lepotato:~$ xrandr
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 720 x 480, maximum 3840 x 2160
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> Composite-1 unknown connection primary 720x480+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> 720x576i 50.00
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> 720x480i 59.94*
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> HDMI-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> 320x240_60.00 (0x1f6) 6.000MHz -HSync +VSync
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> h: width 320 start 336 end 360 total 400 skew 0 clock 15.00KHz
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> v: height 240 start 243 end 247 total 252 clock 59.52Hz
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> ```
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> Unfortunately, I'm away from home while running this, so no idea if it actually works
<DC-IRC> <ajshell1> Oops, that did it for HDMI