<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> Applied the patch, same result in u-boot
<Armbian-Discord> <c​0rnelius> Even if the USB port is detected its not gonna just magically boot to USB. Scripting would need to be involved and although I believe this can be done, I'm not sure how to do it on the SPI. But this is what I used to get it to work from the SD. Inside the boot.scr ```
<Armbian-Discord> <c​0rnelius> setenv bootlabel "USB Boot"
<Armbian-Discord> <c​0rnelius> usb start; if usb dev ${devnum}; then devtype=usb; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fi
<Armbian-Discord> <c​0rnelius> ```
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> @c0rnelius Can you run usb info and usb tree and dump the output? My understanding of my problem is that u-boot doesn't even see the USB device to boot from.
<Armbian-Discord> <c​0rnelius> Not right this second, no. The patch you applied this was for both u-boot and kernel or just kernel level?
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> Just to u-boot
<Armbian-Discord> <c​0rnelius> gotcha
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> 6.2 kernel already includes the patch
<Armbian-Discord> <c​0rnelius> yeah
<Armbian-Discord> <n​armstrong> I'll have a closer look, it's weird every field is 0
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> Yes it is.
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> Let me know if I can help in some way. I have a vested interest in getting this to work. 😄
<Armbian-Discord> <n​armstrong> it's on my todays's todo list :-p
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> FWIW, just a recap of what I tried:
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> * u-boot 2022.07 installed via armbian-install on an Armbian Kinetic build supplied by @rpardini
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> * u-boot 2023.01 upstream installed via dd of=/dev/mtdblock0
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> * u-boot 2023.01 plus the linked patch from the kernel ML installed via dd of=/dev/mtdblock0
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> Everything has had the same output as I've linked up-channel.
<Armbian-Discord> <n​armstrong> is is the HC4 u-boot ? or the C4 u-boot ?
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> HC4 u-boot.
<Armbian-Discord> <A​oyfe> i.e. built using odroid-hc4_defconfig
<Armbian-Discord> <n​armstrong> oki doki
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> motivational (bad) picture, frankenstein HC4, sitting on bubblewrap to compensate for spinning rust vibration, "embedded" UART, and a el-cheapo SD1306 OLED via i2c added-on to a non-OLED model
<Armbian-Discord> <n​armstrong> i e built using odroid hc4 defconfig