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<DC-IRC> <zwillx> ok sorry yeah, I was a noob regarding how to deploy that patch, and got distracted. So I can switch my build method to "BUILD_ONLY=u-boot" to get this FW
<DC-IRC> <zwillx> As I look at the config/boards/orangepizero2.conf, I see it has
<DC-IRC> <zwillx> HAS_VIDEO_OUTPUT="no"
<DC-IRC> <zwillx> .. is that HDMI or something else?
<DC-IRC> <zwillx> the issue getting it set up was the defconfig is lacking and there are some differences ex- DDR4 memory, I found one here
<DC-IRC> <zwillx> the issue getting it set up was the defconfig is missing and there are some differences ex- DDR4 memory, I found one here
<DC-IRC> <viraniac> BUILD_ONLY=u-boot" is kind of deprecated. Use ./compile.sh BOARD=<board_name> BRANCH=<branch> uboot to compile only u-boot
<DC-IRC> <viraniac> HAS_VIDEO_OUTPUT="no" is a way to tell that desktop images should not be created for the board, as display out is probably broken. If you run with BUILD_DESKTOP=yes and the board has HAS_VIDEO_OUTPUT="no", the framework will complain about desktop images not being supported.
<DC-IRC> <viraniac> just build with BOOTBRANCH="tag:2024.01-rc4" and BOOTPATCHDIR="". 2024.01 has support for ddr4
<DC-IRC> <zwillx> next-level XD
<DC-IRC> <zwillx> Well, relevant to me is "video output is probably broken" - I don't need the desktop GUI from Armbian, but I'm at least hoping to be able to see my console/framebuffer. Would this HAS_VIDEO_OUTPUT=no interfere with that? For example, it seems orangepizero.conf has "yes" for that, and Radxa zero takes the next step as "FULL_DESKTOP"
<DC-IRC> <zwillx> Radxa config also reveals "SimpleDRM conflicts with Panfrost" so I may try a 6.1 build without it
<DC-IRC> <zwillx> thanks for the tips Gunjan, impressive depth of the build system!
<DC-IRC> <viraniac> HAS_VIDEO_OUTPUT=no shouldn't interfere with that as far as I can understand.
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