<DC-IRC> <AlbertK> I have a question, Orange Pi 3 LTS has pin 7 (PD22) assigned as PWM, I would like to know if it can be reused as a input GPIO? The overlay for PWM is not enabled via the armbian-config.
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> normally it should work as a gpio, yes.
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<DC-IRC> <AlbertK> I am trying out an Secure Element (Zymbit) this thing works on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and when I tried it on Orange Pi 3 LTS it does not work. the Zymbit background service created gpio110 on gpiochip1 where as when I create a GPIO via cli it is on gpiochip0.
<DC-IRC> <AlbertK> What I need to know which gpiochip is valid?