<DC-IRC> <Boo> Hi, who can help me, i have Yuntab on Allwinner A33, how to compile armbian for this tablet ? display is not working, what can i do to enable display first ?
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Armbian does not support tvboxes. Things you may find on the internet are community contributions. Try here: https://forum.armbian.com/forum/24-tv-boxes/
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Don't expect mucht.
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Armbian does not support tvboxes. Things you may find on the internet are community contributions. Try here: https://forum.armbian.com/forum/24-tv-boxes/
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Don't expect much.
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Ah, a tablet. Well not sure if we ever had something with A33 Soc...
<DC-IRC> <Boo> i got
<DC-IRC> <Boo> topics, but i dont have expiriance with building armbian for this LCD.
<DC-IRC> <Boo> how to determine LCD model ? 🙂
<DC-IRC> <Werner> no idea, sorry.
<DC-IRC> <Boo> Okay, another question.