Yep. : P I think I can connect with Matrix
MyrlHex[m] has joined #amaranth-lang
Hm. Is there a limit to what gets sent to IRC? I'm curious about why this code doesn't work as I expect it to, but I'm worried about spamming IRC
the limit is 3 or 5 lines or something
but I think if you send one really massive line it doesn't get applied because Matrix
you could just use a paste site for this I think
Trying to understand better what clock ticks are, and I don't understand why this assertion is false.
ah, okay, you're hitting an awkward edge case which is going to be fixed in the next release (that'll happen in a week or two)
try replacing your bare yield with yield; yield Settle()
Thanks. :) That works.
basically, yield gives you a state of the simulation just after the clock tick, and just before every combinational signal settles on their final value
this isn't what is wanted 98% of time, so we're fixing that (it's like this for historical reasons)
Thanks! I was actually also slightly confused by the counter example's assertion, and I just thought I miscounted lol.
no, it's just ... weird
it was initially designed to be Migen-compatible but that kind of brought more pain than benefit in the end
re: the reset wire, do you mean in the output Verilog or something else?
Yep, the Verilog output.
cd_sync.rst.name = "reset" is an easy one
you could also make it a port of your component and do m.d.comb += ResetSignal().eq(reset)
Thanks. :) Though I'm guessing the latter technically has 2 reset inputs?
no, the one you're seeing now is only emitted because nothing is driving it explicitly
if you do verilog.convert(component) only the component ports and implicitly created clock domains cause signals to appear in the signature
Thanks. :) I really appreciate all the help.