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<zolk3ri> Hey, I am here now, but I may go back to sleep as I have slept only 6 hours. Please let me know if you could run Navit at all, or if there were any errors. I will have to fix the build system part; I may have to make changes to navit.mk and/or meson.build.
<zolk3ri> Write to me on Signal in case I am not nearby PC and I don't see the notification here.
<zolk3ri> Yesterday when I was here I was heavily sleep deprived. That said, I was correct about the source of the problem. I don't know if you tried to do anything with regarding to Navit though.
zolk3ri has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<Speedsaver> main @ buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi: odiferousmint pushed 1 commit (https://github.com/Speedsaver/buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi/compare/94f832a46ed6...5b80c38f719f):
<Speedsaver> main @ buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi: Zoltán Kéri 5b80c3: Use the most recent and compatible `navit.xml` file (https://github.com/Speedsaver/buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi/commit/5b80c38f719ffef3ace542363ef03377845c548c)