<Speedsaver> main @ buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi: odiferousmint pushed 2 commits (https://github.com/Speedsaver/buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi/compare/f11fbd6a5a96...94f832a46ed6):
<Speedsaver> main @ buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi: Zoltán Kéri aa50a0: Use latest revision of `ArduiPi_OLED` and delete `arduipi-oled.hash` (https://github.com/Speedsaver/buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi/commit/aa50a08fa592b27e0e211445e6808fe3094b9b03)
<Speedsaver> main @ buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi: Zoltán Kéri 94f832: Use latest revision of `Navit` and switch from `CMake` to `Meson` (https://github.com/Speedsaver/buildroot-speedsaver-mangopi/commit/94f832a46ed6e9aa1a36359e145c6f0a4c5263e0)
peterm6881 has joined #Speedsaver
zolk3ri has joined #Speedsaver
<peterm6881> hey
<peterm6881> ok wait
<peterm6881> [FAILED] Failed to start navit software.
<peterm6881> Welcome to Speedsaver
<peterm6881> Password:
<peterm6881> speedsaver login: root
<peterm6881> Last login: Wed Jul 13 11:31:25 UTC 2022 on ttyS1
<peterm6881> Last login: Wed Jul 13 11:31:21 on ttyS1
<Speedsaver> peterm6881: Error: "login:" is not a valid command.
<peterm6881> # journalctl
<peterm6881> No journal files were found.
<peterm6881> -- No entries --
<peterm6881> #
<zolk3ri> journalctl -u navit -b
<peterm6881> ah yeah i see that in Signal, apologies
<peterm6881> wait
<peterm6881> # journalctl -u navit -b
<peterm6881> No journal files were found.
<peterm6881> -- No entries --
<peterm6881> #
<peterm6881> um...
<peterm6881> hang on a sec
<zolk3ri> systemctl start navit
<zolk3ri> and then try again
<zolk3ri> or systemctl status navit
<peterm6881> # systemctl status navit
<peterm6881> × navit.service - navit software
<peterm6881> Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/navit.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
<peterm6881> Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2022-07-13 11:34:44 UTC; 35s ago
<peterm6881> Process: 133 ExecStart=/usr/bin/navit (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
<peterm6881> Main PID: 133 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
<peterm6881> CPU: 18ms
<peterm6881> #
<peterm6881> :/
<zolk3ri> okay that's not useful, that's all that it shows? what about journalctl?
<zolk3ri> systemctl -l status navit
<peterm6881> same
<peterm6881> # systemctl -l status navit
<peterm6881> × navit.service - navit software
<peterm6881> Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2022-07-13 11:34:44 UTC; 2min 31s ago
<peterm6881> Process: 133 ExecStart=/usr/bin/navit (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
<peterm6881> Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/navit.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
<peterm6881> Main PID: 133 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
<peterm6881> CPU: 18ms
<peterm6881> #
<peterm6881> I haven't seen this type of issue before, tricky
<zolk3ri> there needs to be an error message
<zolk3ri> of some sort
<zolk3ri> idk if its cuz of the pager
<zolk3ri> journalctl --no-pager -u navit
<peterm6881> # journalctl --no-pager -u navit
<peterm6881> No journal files were found.
<peterm6881> -- No entries --
<peterm6881> #
<zolk3ri> huh
<zolk3ri> can you start navit from terminal?
<zolk3ri> and see what error message you get
<zolk3ri> if any..
<zolk3ri> just type in "navit", as root
<peterm6881> # navit
<peterm6881> -bash: navit: command not found
<peterm6881> #
<peterm6881> by the way there only is a root account
<peterm6881> i could try testing it with the version of Buildroot that previously worked?
<peterm6881> in case something happened in Buildroot, although 2022.11 works fine for Orange and Lichee Pi
<zolk3ri> lol
<zolk3ri> thats why it didnt run then
<peterm6881> whats that?
<zolk3ri> it didn't seem to install navit, possibly cuz the build system is different, and idk what buildroot does exactly
<zolk3ri> but doesn't seem to install navit
<peterm6881> theoretically the repo shouldnt care what version of Buildroot is used
<zolk3ri> you could git clone it, compile it, and install it yourself just to give it a try
<peterm6881> as each new LTS version is released, I test it and update the readme to say tested with xxxx.xx version
<zolk3ri> the build system has been changed, and I'm using "meson-package", idk if that's enough for it to install it
<zolk3ri> I'd have to check the meson.build file, too
<peterm6881> ok im building with 2022.02.8 which is the last version tested, but like I said it shouldnt make any difference. 2022.11 works with Orange and Lichee Pi, so its unlikely to be a problem introduced by Buildroot itself
<zolk3ri> as I said, the build system has changed in navit, it might require another command to install it which might not be ran
<zolk3ri> I'm not saying it's buildroot per se, just smth missing from the .mk file
<peterm6881> yeah I should have got Jookia to update mango at the same time he updated Speedsaver (Orange Pi) and Lichee
<peterm6881> i really didnt think we' would ever go back to it, because the F1C200s didnt support booting from eMMC and the Mangopi-R3c board was far too expensive, and nobody else was making one
<peterm6881> and getting our own board made was not gonna be a thing
<peterm6881> but Jookia was the guy who make all the changes, like meson etc.
<peterm6881> made
<zolk3ri> I'll take a look at it tomorrow, but you should try to compile and install navit regardless and see if it works
<zolk3ri> let me know on signal how it turns out, gonna leave from here for now
zolk3ri has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
peterm6881 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]