peterm6881 has joined #Speedsaver
<peterm6881> hey Xogium
<peterm6881> can you send me that command again
<Xogium> ps -Ao comm,rss --sort rss
<peterm6881> no grand total?
<Xogium> nop they are just sorted from smallest to largest
<Xogium> but grand total you could just run free -h
<peterm6881> total 242Mi used 26Mi free 177Mi
<Xogium> heh
<Xogium> 26 mb is very big
<peterm6881> how does that stack up against Disco?
<Xogium> well disco has only 16 mb of ram, total
<peterm6881> can we have swap?
<Xogium> nop
<Xogium> swap on a flash be it raw flash or micro sd or usb stick is a very bad idea
<Xogium> you will wear out the flash very fast
<peterm6881> do you have a working speedsaver
<peterm6881> i cant copy and paste all the processes
<peterm6881> network manager is chewing up 7.6 MB
<peterm6881> any alternatives to that?
<peterm6881> na wait that cant be right...
<Xogium> hmm yeah. I remember why we used it, was to easily be able to configure wifi. There might be alternatives, but no idea how much ram they'd use
<peterm6881> i dont understand the numbers
<Xogium> well if network manager process shows 7600 then yes, it uses 7 mb
<Xogium> as I said, they are in kb
<peterm6881> but to add everything in the list it comes to way more than 26 MB
<peterm6881> although it says theres 37 MB in buff/cache
<Xogium> yeah buffered ram
<Xogium> ready to be used should any program need it
<Xogium> still 26 mb is strange
<Xogium> can you do
<Xogium> cat /proc/meminfo
<Xogium> and check the 3 first entries
<Xogium> memtotal, memfree, memavail
<Xogium> I think
<peterm6881> 247876 181528 211532
<peterm6881> yes in that order
<Xogium> really ? Weird
<peterm6881> i need to run. Are you able to fire up a speedsaver over Gadget Serial?
<Xogium> so effectively using 36 mb of ram total
<Xogium> but either way, 36 mb is very big
<peterm6881> theres a way to power up Orange Pi Zero via PoE, but I think I need to unsolder a resitor or link, or fit one
<peterm6881> would that help you, if I send you one. I think we need to get our heads around system overhead and resources
<Xogium> sounds scary and sounds like you shouldn't do this unless you have something that downsteps POE voltage from 48v to 5v
<peterm6881> ok forget that, what Xunlong actually mean is they connected the 5V rail to the pins on the Ethernet port which are normally used for PoE
<peterm6881> i.e. not used for data
<peterm6881> so yeah, almost unrelated to true PoE, except you can jack in on the same pins
<peterm6881> but Gadget on the micro USB sgould be just as handy for you, but do you have a working device?
<peterm6881> should
<Xogium> yeah I still have the very first speedsaver you sent me
<sc6502> Greetings :)
<Xogium> hey sc6502
<Xogium> how are you ?
<sc6502> Aching - went for a long walk this morning after a month of being a slouch, and now everything is stiff. Hope I can actually move in the morning.
<Xogium> oww ouch
<Xogium> yeah I know how that is… I'm confined to home again, as covid is once again getting to inffect more and more people despite the vaccines
<Xogium> I may have influenced Peter with another mcu though hehe
<sc6502> Problem is the vaccines wear off way too quick, which is why all this booster nonsense is needed.
<Xogium> that said we wait to see what you'd think our requirements are
<Xogium> yeah… I actually didn't get the vaccine
<sc6502> Not to mention that anyone who gets a common cold now (after 2 years of avoiding it) suddenly finds it's a monster.
<sc6502> Colds are like windows updates, if you don't keep on top of it, you're in for a bad time when it finally gets forced on you.
<Xogium> indeed
<sc6502> On the navit side, I've deleted 1380 files from the navit project :)
<Xogium> holy jesus
<Xogium> what the hell were those for ?
<sc6502> Android, iphone, icons - basically useless baggage for our tiny use case.
<sc6502> There's more pruning to do still.
<sc6502> Basically I'm removing the cruft to get a better idea of what it actually does without loads of distractions.
<Xogium> nice
<Xogium> very fancy
<Xogium> do you think it will reduce ram usage also ?
<Xogium> brb getting something to eat
<sc6502> The only memory saved so far is on the file system (icons), but I don't think they were ever referenced.
<sc6502> But at some point I'll start chipping away at compiled in functionality that serves no purpose for us, and that will likely start saving RAM.
<sc6502> Oh, and I sorted out why I couldn't boot from either of my SD cards.
<sc6502> The trick is, don't let the host auto-mount the drive before doing 'dd' to it, otherwise it gets trashed when unmounted.
<Xogium> aaaah yes
<Xogium> that would do it
<Xogium> it will be good when we can reduce the memory usage
<Xogium> but I doubt navit itself would run on any sort of mcu… I'm guessing it is too linux-ish
<Xogium> though maybe I'm wrong
<sc6502> It's somewhat over complicated by it's former life as a GUI program, so there is still the baggage of a UI event loop in there, when there is no UI at all. The whole lot will eventually reduce to a simple forever loop of fetch GPS position, match it against the map, update the display.
<Xogium> ah yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense
<sc6502> Another 50 files bite the dust - hopefully, just rebuilding now.
<Xogium> dust must taste very bad
<Xogium> :p
<Xogium> hmm have a new chair for my computer, this is much much better
<Xogium> armore one from cougar
<Xogium> we got it for 150 euros instead of 250 lol
<sc6502> Looks very nice.
<Xogium> sure that compared to a typical chair for the kitchen table, it's nice
<Xogium> also keeps your back straight
<sc6502> I got one as well - XRocker
<Xogium> oh nice
<sc6502> Could do with a bit more padding to be honest.
<Xogium> ahah this one has a crap ton of padding
<Xogium> I can move the armrests somehow, but I don't know why you would even do that
<Xogium> like not just up and down but on the sides
<Xogium> this chair feels like you're sitting it a sport car lol
<Xogium> *in a sport car
<sc6502> Oops, deleted a bit too much. It only gets as far as the version string and the tone.
<Xogium> woops
<Xogium> a bit too much hehe like me when I customize kernel