sc6502 has joined #Speedsaver
<sc6502> Good morning Xogium , hope you're well. Quick question, is your screen reader compatible with forum s/w like vbulletin or simple machines? I'm wondering if something like either of those installed on one of the servers would be a usable alternative.
<Xogium> sc6502: hey :) hope you're doing better than the last time
<Xogium> for forum, I don't know. I've never been a big fan of forums because each forums require you to register, it's also a lot less easy to use than irc. But, it's personnal preference
<Xogium> it depends what forum software we'd use probably
<Xogium> I'd also be very surprised if Peter'sisp would let you send emails via your own mail server or receive
<Xogium> *Peter's isp
<Xogium> because don't forget the server is a physical thing that Peter has in his house
<sc6502> Most have a "remember me", so logging in is typically a one-time hassle. I particularly like the idea of keeping discussion threads on different topics.
<Xogium> heh it's just me that forget to even go check the forums, I think
<Xogium> I forget I've asked a question and I will even not reply unless I'm notified via email and go like, oh yeah true, I sent a message there
<Xogium> I prefer the instant way you can get help on irc, where the conversation flows almost naturally, unless you have to wait for an answer, but then people can hilight your nick and you get an instant notification and can check what they wrote quickly. On forums you have to find the thread you created, then go read their reply, write one back, wait again, miss new messages that arrived when you were
<Xogium> writing your own if any…
<Xogium> it just feels clunky to me, for next to no benefits
<Xogium> ugh damn it, now I get what you were saying about the rp2040 being underspec
<Xogium> I can't find one single dev board that has reasonable flash, like 4 mb would be nice to have, some lack most gpio, some have only 1 uart, 1 spi, 1 i2c…
<Xogium> some lack micro sd
<Xogium> damn it
<Xogium> also just so it's making more sense here, rauc can't be used on anything but linux. Every part of the software would need to be custom
<Xogium> from the navit equivalent, to the gps logger, to the updater of our software/maps