cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, CD/floppy disk theory of operation, and the 68k CPU are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<andlabs> hey ValleyBell not sure if you know but you're the closest thing to an expert so
<andlabs> is this actually true? my unit is one of those (
<andlabs> Wikipedia currnetly claims this about the SC-55: "units without GM logo technically not GM compatible (GM reset interpreted as GS reset, capital tone arrangement not fully consistent with GM spec). "
<NiGHTS> Roland Sc-55 Sound Canvas Midi Sound Generator | (at
<ValleyBell> The first-generation SC-55 has one instrument ("Fl. Key Click" or so) that doesn't match the GM spec.
<ValleyBell> GM resets are interpreted as GS resets. (Bank MSB will work.)
<ValleyBell> GM Master Volume SysEx messages don't work.
<ValleyBell> (I have a SC-55 with "GS" logo only, firmware version 1.20.)
<ValleyBell> The GM logo may be present on units with firmware v2, I think?
<andlabs> hmm
<andlabs> are the ROMs hardware-compatible?
<andlabs> or do I need to seek out one with the GM logo?
<andlabs> I have not tried turning this on yet so IDK which firmware mine is
<andlabs> oh it requires a CPU chip swap -_-
<ValleyBell> mk1 vs. mk2 definitely requires a CPU swap
<ValleyBell> I don't know what the conditions for "mk1 firmware v1" vs. "mk1 firmware v2" are
<ValleyBell> Maybe some forum topics on Vogons have details or answers.
<andlabs> well if I can ever run across a GM SC-55 for less than $100 like I did this one I'll take it =p
<andlabs> since I'm interested in getting "each company's first GM synths"
<andlabs> there's a Yamaha TG100 waiting for me at home now and I'm eyeing a Casio GZ-50m
<ValleyBell> well.. it is mostly GM compatible
<ValleyBell> except for some GM SysEx messages it doesn't recognise
<andlabs> yeah
<andlabs> that still makes it interesting on its own
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