cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, CD/floppy disk theory of operation, and the 68k CPU are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<andlabs> [11:29:50] <Whooa22>PSA for anyone thinking of getting a YMF724 card like I did (and doesn't know this)
<andlabs> [11:30:07] <Whooa22>Anything < YMF744 doesn't support arbitrary IO ports, and thus won't run behind a PCIe bridge
<NiGHTS> ymfpci.c - sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci.c - Linux source code (v6.0.1) - Bootlin
<KitsuWhooa> yes :p
<andlabs> ah you are here I missed that somehow
<andlabs> yes I scanned the user list
<andlabs> before posting
<KitsuWhooa> it's fine though
<KitsuWhooa> (I'd have forgotten to post it here)
<twnqx> well, it makes sense - dos software usually doesn't support arbitrary either
<KitsuWhooa> I feel like by the time the YMF724 came out, DOS was exceedingly rare :p
<KitsuWhooa> "rare"
<twnqx> KitsuWhooa, i wondered about <KitsuWhooa> Yeah I think it's really easy to make OPL2/3 sound like absolute ass :p
<KitsuWhooa> uncommon
<twnqx> did that refer to hardware design or tunes?
<KitsuWhooa> tunes
<twnqx> ah, ok
<KitsuWhooa> like playing a midi file on OPL
<KitsuWhooa> it can sound okay, but most of the time it doesn't
<twnqx> where did i put my ymf3812s... hm
<twnqx> any of you in tqiwan, btw? :P
<twnqx> taiwan*
<KitsuWhooa> nppe :p
<KitsuWhooa> *nope
<KitsuWhooa> I actually don't even have a card with descrete OPL on it
<twnqx> i want a bunch of these, if they look exactly like pictured :X
<NiGHTS> YAMAHA全新品YM3812 包裝DIP-24 另有YM3812-F (SOP-24) | 露天拍賣
<KitsuWhooa> "as pictured"
<KitsuWhooa> lol
<twnqx> well
<twnqx> you only get remarked pulls
<KitsuWhooa> yes but they never show you the remarked ones
<twnqx> and chinese sellers are quite upfront about this - i asked some for other chips, and they said "nah, i just took some picture, mine don't look like the ones"
<KitsuWhooa> huh
<KitsuWhooa> but honestly, I don't mind remarked
<KitsuWhooa> I'm just glad we can even get them
<twnqx> i do, because i want NOS and not pulls :P
<KitsuWhooa> I want whatever this isn't
<KitsuWhooa> :p
<twnqx> i have completely unlabelled 3014s
<twnqx> and after i've seen a video that shows how they are "pulled"...
<twnqx> donotwant.jpg
<NiGHTS> PC�EGAME�֘A�E�d�q���� �� YM2151(OPM) +YM3012(DAC)�@�i�V�i�Z�b�g�j
<KitsuWhooa> the dac actually looks legit
<twnqx> the 2151 doesn't look legit to me
<KitsuWhooa> it's the correct package, no?
<twnqx> > 0446 > EAHG
<twnqx> i doubt they were still made in 2004
<KitsuWhooa> Yes, those are fake and remarked for sure
<KitsuWhooa> er
<KitsuWhooa> I menat the markings are not legit
<KitsuWhooa> but the chip looks to be
<twnqx> those though... hm
<NiGHTS> SAAYM 8-bit ISA dual Phillips SAA1099 + Yamaha YM2151 Sound Card - CMS/GameBlaster Clone - TexElec
<KitsuWhooa> the ones in my photo above are 100% clones
<twnqx> yeah... guess so
<KitsuWhooa> it's funny though
<KitsuWhooa> because I got legit DACs
<KitsuWhooa> from the same seller
<KitsuWhooa> and the 2151s seem to "work" although I never got around to getting them to play anything other than a simple sine wave
<KitsuWhooa> who knows how bad they are :p
<twnqx> woah @ the 1983 one
<twnqx> the ruten opl2s should be from about the last batch
<KitsuWhooa> assuming the photos are what you get :p
<twnqx> by a US company, the chances should eb somewhat higher
<KitsuWhooa> > $160
<KitsuWhooa> I just noticed the price lmao
<KitsuWhooa> for that money just get tons and tons of ones from who knows where and you'll probably get at least one genuine in there
<KitsuWhooa> :p
<twnqx> huh, says 72.99 here
<twnqx> or is that CAD?
<KitsuWhooa> I acn't tell
<KitsuWhooa> *can't tell
<twnqx> ahhh those
<twnqx> that's new taiwan dollar
<KitsuWhooa> ah
<KitsuWhooa> I think the same applies to 73 USD though
<twnqx> roughly 5€ each
<KitsuWhooa> oh
<twnqx> no i thought the textelec cars
<KitsuWhooa> that's with the card
<twnqx> cards*
<KitsuWhooa> okay I get it now :p
<twnqx> hm i wonder how legit this japanese company is :X i wanted to order some CPUS where i haven't managed to get a single original one out of 5 or 6 orders so far
<twnqx> and they have the xamaha chips listed, too
<KitsuWhooa> :p
<twnqx> i am searchins in japan because the other ones i want are NEC chips...
<twnqx> and apparently 16mhz V20HLs are exceedingly rare, and all the chinese sellers sell remarked 10MHz regular V20s :(
<KitsuWhooa> ah yes
<KitsuWhooa> I hate the fake speed ratings
<twnqx> this is worse than just speed rating
<twnqx> the HLs run at 3.3V, while non-HLs don't
<KitsuWhooa> ah
<KitsuWhooa> what do you want them for, anyway?
<twnqx> building a 16MHz XT :P
<KitsuWhooa> ah
<andlabs> I still don't know what the difference between the three chips are
<andlabs> 724, 744, 274
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<cr1901> > and thus won't run behind a PCIe bridge PCIe doesn;t allow devices to choose the I/O addresses it wants?
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<andlabs> anyway speaking of ymaha synths I now have a korg 707
<andlabs> which is a YM2151 but controllable like an analog synth-like thingy
<andlabs> instead of with operator parameters
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