Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
janvhs has joined ##bash-crimes
<janvhs> omg POSIX shell has now case fall through *-* It doesn’t seel to he inplemented yet, but it seems you can use &; to repeat any matching pattern in a case with multiple pattern
<misentropy> neat
<misentropy> wonder if they added any other niceties
<janvhs> there is -o pipefail now and there might be even more
<janvhs> The -o pipefail is a game changer for me and it’s basically working everywhere today. FreeBSD added some time ago, bash has it, zsh as well and even busyboc and macOS
<misentropy> good stuff
<cve> janvhs on IRC :spinny_neocat:
<cve> I believe they also added /dev/null but I am not 100% sure
<cve> Does not seem so, unfortunately ...
<edk> added?
<sdomi> wait /dev/null wasn't in POSIX?
<sdomi> or do you mean that they added it as a shell internal
<JAA> Of course it is, just not in the sh specification:
<JAA> I'm not feeling like digging through the historical documents, but it's been there for a very long time, probably since the very first standard.
<janvhs> cat
<janvhs> cat /dev/null > /dev/null