Maja changed the topic of ##bash-crimes to: we bash back | club of folks preoccupied in whether they could, not whether they should | logs
<Maja> what am i looking at
<Maja> is this. a text editor that just. lets you append lines by typing them in as commands?
<Maja> can you do actual text editing with this?
<JAA> In their words, 'turning bash into a text editor', and yeah. I guess you can do things with `history -d` etc.
<JAA> Though you'd want to prefix those manipulation commands with a space so they don't end up in the file themselves.
<Maja> and everything you do want in the file ends up being executed as a command, with hopefully mostly "command not found" errors?
<JAA> Yeah
<JAA> $ Do not ever run this command:
<JAA> -bash: Do: command not found
<JAA> $ rm -rf /*
<JAA> Oops :-)
<JAA> I was expecting some readline magic when they mentioned it at first.
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