sighook changed the topic of #zeppe-lin to: Zeppe-Lin GNU/Linux: | IRCLogs:
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zeppbot has joined #zeppe-lin
<zeppbot> explicitly clean the work directory when handling interruption signals
<zeppbot> minor cosmetic change
<zeppbot> comment get_filename()'s -a/__ABSOLUTE artifact
<zeppbot> src/ big code documentation
<zeppbot> improve info/warning/error messages
<zeppbot> pkgmk.8: sync EXIT STATUS with pkgmk code
<zeppbot> src/ add E_CMDEXEC and E_INTERRUPT exit codes, use E_INTERRUPT
<zeppbot> src/ minor reword
<zeppbot> pkgmk.8: add description for 126/130 exit statuses, comment 126
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<zeppbot> src/ cosmetic changes, resort funcs a bit
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<zeppbot> sysklogd: 2.7.0 -> 2.7.1
<zeppbot> sysklogd: rm unused patches
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<zeppbot> ffmpeg: 7.1 -> 7.1.1
<zeppbot> nss: 3.108 -> 3.109
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<zeppbot> firefox-search-by-image-bin: 8.1.0 -> 8.1.1
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