sighook changed the topic of #zeppe-lin to: Zeppe-Lin GNU/Linux: | IRCLogs:
zeppbot has joined #zeppe-lin
<zeppbot> finddeps-linked: fix typo: echo -> exit
zeppbot has left #zeppe-lin [#zeppe-lin]
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<zeppbot> glibc-32: fix .md5sum
<zeppbot> expat: fix unavailable source tarball
<zeppbot> glibc: fix .md5sum
zeppbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<zeppbot> os-prober: initial commit, v1.83
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zeppbot has joined #zeppe-lin
<zeppbot> libid3tag: silent upstream tarball update, fix .md5sum
<zeppbot> chrpath: silent upstream tarball update, fix .md5sum
<zeppbot> ffmpeg: disable ffplay(1) by default, relbump
<zeppbot> libmad: silent upstream tarball update, fix .md5sum
<zeppbot> qt5: rm .footprint, add .gitignore
zeppbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<zeppbot> sslscan: silent upstream tarball update, fix .md5sum
<zeppbot> checksec: silent upstream tarball update, fix sources dirname & .md5sum
<zeppbot> routersploit: fix .footprint
<zeppbot> holehe: fix .footprint
<zeppbot> dnsgen: fix .footprint
<zeppbot> sherlock: fix .footprint
<zeppbot> socialscan: fix .footprint
<zeppbot> wpscan: fix .footprint
<zeppbot> jp2a: downgrade to 1.2.0, this version doesn't require libwebp
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<zeppbot> rejmerge: update rejmerge.conf, relbump
zeppbot has left #zeppe-lin [#zeppe-lin]