sighook changed the topic of #zeppe-lin to: Zeppe-Lin GNU/Linux: | IRCLogs:
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<zeppbot> expat: add comment for optional build option
<zeppbot> cmake: 3.30.5 -> 3.31.0
<zeppbot> expat: 2.6.3 -> 2.6.4, add --with-libbsd build option
<zeppbot> curl: 8.10.1 -> 8.11.0
<zeppbot> expat: fix deps: add libbsd
<zeppbot> libcap: 2.71 -> 2.72
<zeppbot> less: 668 -> 669
<zeppbot> pkgman: 6.0.4-7c272d8 -> 6.0.4-ff542a8
<zeppbot> pkgmk: 5.43.1-07c525d -> 5.43.1-fad6d07
<zeppbot> py3-flit-core: 3.9.0 -> 3.10.1
<zeppbot> py3-setuptools: 75.3.0 -> 75.5.0
<zeppbot> sudo: 1.9.16 -> 1.9.16p1
<zeppbot> wget: 1.24.5 -> 1.25.0
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<zeppbot> alsa-utils: 1.2.12 -> 1.2.13
<zeppbot> alsa-ucm-conf: 1.2.12 -> 1.2.13
<zeppbot> alsa-lib: 1.2.12 -> 1.2.13
<zeppbot> libxml2: 2.13.4 -> 2.13.5
<zeppbot> glib: 2.82.2 -> 2.83.0
<zeppbot> py3-packaging: 24.1 -> 24.2
<zeppbot> npth: 1.7 -> 1.8
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<zeppbot> xorg-xbacklight: 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4
<zeppbot> xorg-libpixman: 0.43.4 -> 0.44.0
<zeppbot> picom: 12.3 -> 12.5
<zeppbot> xorg-libxcursor: 1.2.2 -> 1.2.3
<zeppbot> xorg-xcompmgr: 1.1.9 -> 1.1.10
<zeppbot> xorg-xrandr: 1.5.2 -> 1.5.3
<zeppbot> xorg-xtrans: 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2
<zeppbot> xorg-xtrans: remove obsoleted patch
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<zeppbot> firefox-bin: 132.0.1 -> 132.0.2
<zeppbot> desktop-file-utils: 0.27 -> 0.28
<zeppbot> gpgme: 1.23.2 -> 1.24.0
<zeppbot> imagemagick: 7.1.1-39 -> 7.1.1-40
<zeppbot> lxtask: 0.1.10 -> 0.1.11
<zeppbot> firefox-ublock-bin: 1.59.0 -> 1.61.0
<zeppbot> lxtask: Pkgfile: clean up
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<zeppbot> p5-image-exiftool: 12.76 -> 13.00
<zeppbot> c-ares: 1.34.2 -> 1.34.3
<zeppbot> docker-compose-bin: 2.30.2 -> 2.30.3
<zeppbot> zaproxy-bin: 2024-11-04 -> 2024-11-12
<zeppbot> sqlmap: 1.8.10 -> 1.8.11
<zeppbot> p5-uri: 5.30 -> 5.31
<zeppbot> p5-net-dns: 1.47 -> 1.48
<zeppbot> p5-image-exiftool: 13.00 -> 13.03
<zeppbot> nikto: 2.5.0-a72f20b -> 2.5.0-cf9a791
<zeppbot> metasploit: 6.4.34 -> 6.4.35
<zeppbot> jp2a: 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2
<zeppbot> jp2a: fix deps: rm redundant libjpeg-turbo that is already dependent on libwebp
<zeppbot> jadx-bin: 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1
<zeppbot> hcxtools: 6.3.4 -> 6.3.5
<zeppbot> hcxdumptool: 6.3.4 -> 6.3.5
<zeppbot> ghidra-bin: 11.2-20240926 -> 11.2.1-20241105
<zeppbot> ghauri: 1.3.7-93a30f5 -> 1.3.9-67b43f0
<zeppbot> firefox-search-by-image-bin: cosmetic changes, fix deps: add lynx
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<zeppbot> iptables: 1.8.10 -> 1.8.11
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