sighook changed the topic of #zeppe-lin to: Zeppe-Lin GNU/Linux | WWW: | GH: | IRCLogs:
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<zeppbot> fakeroot: include tarball, add patches for man pages, relbump
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<zeppbot> pkglint: comment notification subroutines
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<zeppbot> palemoon: 33.1.1 -> 33.2.0
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<zeppbot> nettle: 3.8.1 -> 3.10
<zeppbot> linux-firmware: 20240513 -> 20240610, rm -depth on find command (-delete implies -depth)
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<zeppbot> pkgadd.8: note upgrade in description
<zeppbot> pkgrm.8: fix misused plural
<zeppbot> pkgrm.8: add missing comma
<zeppbot> pkgrm.8: use 'uninstall' term instead of 'remove' for better clarity
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<zeppbot> man pages: update .Dd
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<zeppbot> rejmerge.8: reword description a bit
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<zeppbot> revdep.1: improve sentence clarity
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Guest52 has joined #zeppe-lin
<Guest52> hiiii
<sighook> hola ^_^
<Guest52> is there telegram group fot zpln
<sighook> personally, i don't use telegram, only discord time by time
<Guest52> can i use btrfs for zpln..withouth crypsetup and ext4 like interesting to migrate from crux 3.6 to zeppelin
<Guest52> please i need help for installing zeppelin with btrfs filesystem and no luks
<sighook> well, there is no problem
<sighook> btrfs-progs is available in pkgsrc-stuff
<Guest52> can u help me for fstab example
<Guest52> because in crux theres example for btrfs
<Guest52> in fstab
<Guest52> i dont have discord please give me your other contac
<sighook> i can help you if you'll have the problem during installation process :-) cause i've using ext4+lvm+cryptsetup.
<sighook> for example, use any other manual for that, like, i dunno, voidlinux one
<Guest52> is zpln rolling?
<Guest52> i use home partition to
<Guest52> boot/efi.root.and home partition
<sighook> yeap, zpln is rolling, but toolchain needs some rest, like crux.
<Guest52> can u share pkg bin for linux kernel and firmware.
<Guest52> i want to instant install without compile pkg kernel and firmware
<sighook> yeah, this will take some minutes
<Guest52> thanks sir
<Guest52> i dont like rolling but im very interest in zpln because like crux, or maybe fork from crux
<Guest52> im use crux 3.5
<Guest52> want upgrade to 3.6 but i see your distro in github and look intersting
<sighook> is email ok?
<Guest52> ok
<Guest52> how to make pkgman show process like prt-get
<Guest52> beacuse i try pkgman not showing process compile
<Guest52> like update install etc only show prepare for installation etc
<sighook> phew, linux-firmware weights 519MB. Proton allows such a big attachment?
<sighook> >how to make pkgman show process like prt-get -- pkgman -vv
<Guest52> send kernel first
<sighook> see pkgman(1)
<sighook> sending in process...
<Guest52> edit in pkgman.conf or only use command
<Guest52> sorry my english read documentation too bad hihi
<sighook> :-D
<sighook> i
<sighook> i'm tried to follow bsd-style in zpln.
<sighook> so, there's a man pages, and they'll really helpful.
<Guest52> try send linux-firmware to sir,if not allow to send big file ,please u make pkg-bin repo in github haha
<sighook> should be ^_^
<sighook> trying to send linux, still uploading.
<Guest52> why u not add wlan script for dhcpcd and wpasupplicant like crux for start stop daemon in rc.d/wlan i
<Guest52> like in crux,very helpfull for me
<Guest52> thankss old your age
<sighook> i dunno, it's easy to add, but you know... it's kinda lame. look: what do you need to start the wlan? you need to start wpa_supplicant to authenticate, next, you need to obtain the ip address via dhcpcd. so, why not just configure your wpa_supplicant, and dhcpcd? :-D
<sighook> why you need another service that just doing the same?
<sighook> like, starts wpa_supplicant, and then dhcpcd
<sighook> :-D
<sighook> nonsense
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> can i use this example fstab in my zpln later
<Guest52> #
<Guest52> # /etc/fstab: static file system information
<Guest52> #
<Guest52> # <file system>        <dir>     <type>    <options>                        <dump> <pass>
<Guest52> #/dev/#EXT4FS_ROOT#    /         ext4      defaults                         0      1
<Guest52> #/dev/#BTRFS_ROOT#     /         btrfs     defaults                         0      0
<Guest52> #/dev/#XFS_ROOT#       /         xfs       defaults                         0      0
<Guest52> #/dev/#F2FS_ROOT#      /         f2fs      defaults                         0      0
<Guest52> #/dev/#SWAP#           swap      swap      defaults                         0      0
<Guest52> #/dev/#EXT4FS_HOME#    /home     ext4      defaults                         0      2
<Guest52> #/dev/#BTRFS_HOME#     /home     btrfs     defaults                         0      0
<Guest52> #/dev/#XFS_HOME#       /home     xfs       defaults                         0      0
<Guest52> #/dev/#F2FS_HOME#      /home     f2fs      defaults                         0      0
<Guest52> #/dev/cdrom            /cdrom    iso9660   ro,user,noauto,unhide            0      0
<Guest52> #/dev/dvd              /dvd      udf       ro,user,noauto,unhide            0      0
<Guest52> #/dev/floppy/0         /floppy   vfat      user,noauto,unhide               0      0
<Guest52> #tmp                   /tmp      tmpfs     defaults                         0      0
<Guest52> #usb                   /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults                         0      0
<Guest52> and i will use btrfs root home boot/efi
<Guest52> it example from crux and i use it in my crux 3.5 and work for booting
<sighook> i dunno, try it ^_^
<Guest52> ahhhhh
<sighook> you're experimenting on VM, right?
<sighook> :-D
Guest52 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
<sighook> ahahha
Guest52 has joined #zeppe-lin
<Guest52> bro
<Guest52> i wait the kernel pkg
<Guest52> and will start install now if the kernel send
<Guest52> is you use wayland pipewire and wireplumber now?
<sighook> mail responds with a failure, is proton restricted to files over 70MB?
<sighook> wait a minute, i'll find the upload server
<Guest52> yes sir give the link
<Guest52> i dont know ,because my proton mail never used to send large files
<Guest52> plaase make telegram channel or gorup because i dont have discord.or u use element chat?
<Guest52> i have it in my phone only element chat and telegram
<Guest52> send in element chat or tele or other upload file server
<Guest52> element matrix client
<sighook> works?
<Guest52> wait
<Guest52> not work
<sighook> jesus
<sighook> sorry, bro
<sighook> i've just for testing purposes added -I option
<sighook> remove -I from curl command
<sighook> it's HEAD request
<Guest52> not wok :(
<Guest52> use this
<Guest52> can upload max 50gb
<sighook> $ md5sum linux#5.4.278-1.pkg.tar.gz
<sighook> 1af6b56709a111a56d9b788126c5f1d3 linux#5.4.278-1.pkg.tar.gz
<sighook> thanks
<Guest52> send linux,linux-firmware,and btrfs-progs
<sighook> $ md5sum linux-firmware#20240610-1.pkg.tar.gz
<sighook> 4efbdfe865ba7e0758d5c785cfd6ad79 linux-firmware#20240610-1.pkg.tar.gz
<Guest52> wait wait bash upload to slow in my country for download file,
<Guest52> 1af6b56709a111a56d9b788126c5f1d3  linux#5.4.278-1.pkg.tar.gz i rename it to this sir?
<Guest52> very slow i will use vpn
<Guest52> i need vpn for download
<sighook> if it's downloaded as eUJOg.gz then surely it must be renamed
<Guest52> okay i will rename it ,but the download to slow
<sighook> pkgadd accepts packages in the following format: name#version.pkg.tar.gz
<Guest52> i like runit too,why u not try make zpln with runit
<Guest52> and why u not fork from kiss linux,and like crux hehe
<sighook> yeah, runit is cool
<sighook> also, musl
<sighook> :-D
<sighook> maybe in the future, and with more human resources, who knows
<Guest52> i will join haha
<sighook> after reading slowly the man pages, yeah?
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> please switch to the other file sharing link
<Guest52> bashupload very slow in my country for download
<sighook> which link is ok to you?
<Guest52> nextcloud u have nextcloud
<Guest52> or other drive cloud providers
<Guest52> google drive.telegram,matrix
<Guest52> or send in discord
<Guest52> i will make discord account hhaha
<sighook> haha
<sighook> go one
<sighook> *go on
<Guest52> wait i will make discord beacuse u
<Guest52> oh shit
<sighook> on discord there's also an channel with git logs for zpln
<sighook> i'll upload on google drive
<Guest52> I'm not used to using Discord and am not familiar with the Discord UI
<Guest52> vhx-dev
<Guest52> my discord account
<Guest52> i dont know how to use discord im newbie in discord
<sighook> me too
<sighook> hah
<sighook> *uploading to google drive
<sighook> -- linux-firmware#20240610-1.pkg.tar.gz
<Guest52> linux
<Guest52> and btrfs
<sighook> -- linux#5.4.278-1.pkg.tar.gz
<sighook> -- btrfs-progs#6.9-1.pkg.tar.gz
<Guest52> acc request
<Guest52> for download the file
<Guest52> access denied
<sighook> fixed the perms
<sighook> try agains, pls
<Guest52> thankss work now
<sighook> also, note that btrfs-progs depends on lzo and util-linux
<Guest52> ok i will build it with pkgman
<Guest52> pkgmk hihi
<sighook> the lzo/util-linux itself been updated from the initial release, i uploaded the current version
<Guest52> do u know revolt? its alternative for discord
<Guest52> open source
<sighook> you can check if there's no broken 'so' libs via revdep(1)
<sighook> revdep -p btrfs-progs
<sighook> nope, didn't heard of it.
<Guest52> ok wait
<sighook> even discord is too much for me... just subscribed for some bugbounty channels to be on the line. :)
<Guest52> prcess install wot
<Guest52> wait
<Guest52> hehe
<Guest52> is i need upgrade first or direct install kernel and boot
<sighook> if you have an linux kernel installed - then upgrade, else - install
<Guest52> i will not upgrade its ok?
<sighook> check if you have it installed via pkgman-isinst(1)
<Guest52> like crux
<Guest52> is the kernel support btrfs
<sighook> yeah, the kernel is full-featured.
<sighook> the last question i don't sure i get it
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> wait wait i will focused read the documentation for installation
<Guest52> thanks ,i will contact u later if have problem
<sighook> sure, btw you know that there are irc logs?
<Guest52> i first time use libera chat
<Guest52> im stupid
<Guest52> im newbie
<Guest52> dont know discrod and liberachat
<sighook> :-D
<sighook> don't blame yourself
<Guest52> how to see process pkgman like prt-get
<Guest52> im so boring not see compile process
<sighook> :-D
<sighook> -vv
<Guest52> pkgman install -vv grub
<Guest52> like this?
<sighook> yeap
<sighook> + --deps
<Guest52> prt-get deplist
<Guest52> in pkgman?
<sighook> if you want to install dependencies first
<Guest52> pkgman deplist
<sighook> pkgman install --vv --deps --group grub
<Guest52> prt-get depinst grub
<Guest52> not deplist haha
<sighook> sorry, -vv
<sighook> not --vv
<sighook> nope, not depinst
<sighook> :-D
<sighook> also, unified dep/rdep (depends/dependent), also unified search/dsearch/fsearch, also unified list, etc, etc.
<sighook> also, note that grub package is named grub2
<Guest52> pkgman update -f pkgmk pkgutils
<Guest52> pkgman: preparing pkgmk 5.43.1-5cbd85c-1
<Guest52> pkgman: makecommand: pkgmk: source/build directory missing or missing read/write permission
<Guest52> pkgman: preparing pkgutils 6.0.2-f66a947-1
<Guest52> pkgman: makecommand: pkgutils: source/build directory missing or missing read/write permission
<sighook> ls -la /var/cache/pkgmk/
<Guest52> bash-5.2# ls -la /var/cache/pkgmk/
<Guest52> total 0
<Guest52> drwxr-xr-x 1 root  root 38 Dec 11  2023 .
<Guest52> drwxr-xr-x 1 root  root 32 Dec 11  2023 ..
<Guest52> drwxr-xr-x 1 root  root  0 Dec 11  2023 packages
<Guest52> drwxr-xr-x 1 root  root  0 Dec 11  2023 sources
<Guest52> drwxrwxrwt 2 pkgmk root 40 Jun 19 13:57 work
<Guest52> l
<sighook> your packages, sources and work directories must be owned by pkgmk user/group
<Guest52> how
<sighook> sudo chown -R pkgmk:pkgmk /var/cache/pkgmk/{packages,sources,work}
<sighook> or without sudo if you're on the root
<Guest52> im as root
<Guest52> no need sudo
<Guest52> work thanksss
<Guest52> any dependepcy for kernel?
<Guest52> pkgadd linux#.... is there dependency?
<sighook> it's strange, since 'pkgman cat pkgmk .footprint' shows 'pkgmk/pkgmk' for these directories, isnt it?
<sighook> note, there's no hard dependencies
<sighook> any dependencies
<sighook> :)
<Guest52> prt-get depends equivalent in pkgman
<Guest52> to show dependencies the packages in pkgman how
<Guest52> sorry my english bad
<Guest52> how to show dependecies in pkgman
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> hihi im soo stupid
<sighook> i got it
<sighook> pkgman-dep(1)
<sighook> for example:
<Guest52> wait
<sighook> pkgman dep --all --full --recursive --tree -vv gcc
<Guest52> my laptop is potato for compile
<Guest52> haha
<sighook> $ grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo
<sighook> model name : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3050 @ 1.60GHz
<Guest52> i hope i can booting after this ahahaha
<sighook> model name : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3050 @ 1.60GHz
<Guest52> model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
<Guest52> model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
<Guest52> model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
<Guest52> model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
<Guest52> model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
<Guest52> model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
<Guest52> model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
<Guest52> model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
<sighook> >> i hope i can booting after this ahahaha -- don't worry, you can just boot from live, repeat chrooting steps, and continue your experiments.
<sighook> there's nothing to break
<sighook> ^_^
<Guest52> yeah i know
<sighook> pfff, i5... potato.
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> I'm just worried about btrfs partitions because in your documentation there is only ext4 and luks
<sighook> yeah, sorry about that))
<Guest52> hahaha
<sighook> if you're make the docs or pull request -- the handbook can be extended
<sighook> s/you're/you'll/
<Guest52> i will make it after my system work perfectly
<sighook> :D
<Guest52> with my new linux distro zpln
<Guest52> hihi
<Guest52> finally im upgrade from crux 3.5 to zpln 3.6 haha
<sighook> lol
<Guest52> can i use prt-get in my zpln .I'm used to using prt-get, in pkgman the command line seems very complex
<Guest52> pkgman dep --all --full --recursive --tree -vv gcc = prt-get depends gcc
<Guest52> simple
<sighook> maybe, never tried.
<sighook> alias pkgman-depends='pkgman dep ...'
<Guest52> zepman update
<Guest52> haha
<Guest52> pkgman zepman
<Guest52> why u naming pkgman
<sighook> what i really know is that cruxish pkgmk didn't works on zpln Pkgfiles, since zpln pkgmk is switched to posix shell for speed and portability purposes.
<Guest52> not zepman or maybe zpkg update hahaha
<sighook> cause i tried to name utilities in solaris style:
<sighook> pkgrm - remove package, pkgadd - add package, pkgman - package manager
<Guest52> yes Yes, that's one of the reasons I'm interested in zpln. Because I read the source of pkgutils and pkgmk has changed a bit compared to crux.
<Guest52> iknow pkgutils is familiar for me because im using crux
<Guest52> but pkgman very complex for me,i new in linux
<Guest52> my first distro void,then arch,debian,crux,and now try zpln
<sighook> maybe it's a paradox, but pkgman code is smaller than prt-get
<sighook> but its more powerful than prt-get
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> can i remove 32 lib
<Guest52> is multilib?
<sighook> also, it fixes prt-get new dependencies injection, etc, etc. studying man pages will help with that.
<sighook> yeah, glibc-32 is multilib
<Guest52> i will learn pkgman after my system can boot haha
<sighook> afaik, it can be removed if you don't need it
<Guest52> yeah
<sighook> or you don't need 32bit binaries
<sighook> like *-bin packages, that may requires multilib
<sighook> just, make sure you know what you did :-D
<Guest52> i will break my system haha
<Guest52> after boot
<Guest52> please send freetype-2
<sighook> yeah, it's highly recommended
<Guest52> the download file very slow
<sighook> :-D
<sighook> source or package?
<Guest52> source
<Guest52> packgaes
<Guest52> pkg
<sighook> emmm?
<Guest52> grub2 need freetype2 but im compile download source very slow
<Guest52> send the packages
<sighook> it has relatively big dependencies
<sighook> and you're probably will have broken deps
<sighook> why not adding to PKGMK_SOURCE_MIRRORS the fast mirror for your contry?
<Guest52> i will make zpln stable release.rebuild all packages with packages version follow slackware 15,so i will downgrade all packages hahaha
<sighook> like... PKGMK_SOURCE_MIRRORS=""
<sighook> or mirrors.gentoo.etc
<Guest52> im stupid not know source pakcgaes has mirror?
<Guest52> im use crux 3.5 and never upgrade ahahaha
<sighook> yeah, gentoo/fedora/icmpv6/etc have distfiles mirrors
<sighook> you can specify to pkgmk to use that mirror instead of upstream one
<Guest52> my country is indonesia please help me for fastest mirros source packages for my country
<Guest52> i I just found out that pkgmk has a mirror feature, I've been using crux all this time
<sighook> but i'm not in Indonesia, bro, how can i help you with that? :)
<Guest52> where u country bro
<sighook> yeap, also, you can specify to pkgman to download all the update sources first:
<Guest52> how to save all this chat
<Guest52> i will open it later for learning
<Guest52> u give me many knowledge but in liberachat im stupid
<sighook> pkgman sysup --deps --depsort --margs=-do
<Guest52> pkgman sysup --deps --depsort --margs=-do....pkgman too complex for me hahaha
<Guest52> im cofuse with command
<sighook> --deps tells to pkgman to inject new dependencies into update process
<Guest52> --deps to show dependencie?
<Guest52> --depsort to show ?
<Guest52> --margs to show?
<sighook> --margs=-do tells to pkgmk(8) to download only the sources.
<Guest52> what the hell
<Guest52> prt-get is simple....I'm just not used to it yet, I will definitely understand pkgman better in the future
<sighook> --depsort is an option to sort updating by dependencies, and you can just skip it in this operation.
<sighook> but imagine....
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> is fuse load in kernel
<Guest52> i like appimages too
<sighook> imagine you updated just python3.
<Guest52> prt-get update python3
<sighook> and then, you want to rebuild all py3 packages.
<Guest52> pkgman update python3
<Guest52> pkgman update python3 with all dependency needed
<Guest52> what the command
<sighook> but if you will update py3-mzfk before py3-setuptools you'll break the update, get it?
<sighook> or for example, perl.
<sighook> p5-modules have their own dependencies on p5-wtfk(1,2,3,etc)
<Guest52> i like break system.hahah,im still leraning sourced based distro hihi
<sighook> so, you need to update python3, then py3-setuptools, then other, then other, and so on, and so on.
<sighook> so, you just specify to pkgman:
<sighook> pkgman update -fr --deps --depsort `pkgman rdep python3`
<sighook> magic!
<Guest52> wow
<Guest52> supermannn
<Guest52> pkgmann
<Guest52> batmann bro
<Guest52> ironnman
<sighook> -fr -> force rebuild, --deps -> inject new deps, --depsort -> update by sorted dependencies in right order, `pkgman rdep python3` --> all packages that depends on python3.
<Guest52> i need mkinitramfs?
<sighook> easy peasy
<Guest52> grub2 and grub2-efi installed
<Guest52> then for kernel is i need mkinitramfs
<sighook> > i need mkinitramfs? -- are you need it?
<sighook> :-D
<sighook> i mean, i dunno, do you?
<sighook> > is fuse load in kernel -- pkgman readme package-appimage.
<Guest52> easy peasy for u beacuse u owner this this ditro,im only I am just a fan of your work, and trying to understand
<sighook> yeah, true. but from my perspective i've just made prt-get done
<sighook> i mean, i just fixed it
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> mkinitramfs -o /boot/initramfs-5.4.278-1.img -k linux-5.4.278-1
<Guest52> =======> Building '/boot/initramfs-5.4.278-1.img' started.
<Guest52> =======> Prepare initramfs working directory.
<Guest52> =======> Process hooks.
<Guest52> =======> Copy extra files.
<Guest52> =======> Copy all modules.
<Guest52> cp: cannot stat '/lib/modules/linux-5.4.278-1/modules.order': No such file or directory
<Guest52> bash-5.2# mkinitramfs -o /boot/initramfs-5.4.278-1.img -k linux-5.4.278
<Guest52> =======> Building '/boot/initramfs-5.4.278-1.img' started.
<Guest52> =======> Prepare initramfs working directory.
<Guest52> =======> Process hooks.
<Guest52> =======> Copy extra files.
<Guest52> =======> Copy all modules.
<Guest52> cp: cannot stat '/lib/modules/linux-5.4.278/modules.order': No such file or directory
<Guest52> bash-5.2# mkinitramfs -o /boot/initramfs-5.4.278.img -k linux-5.4.278
<Guest52> =======> Building '/boot/initramfs-5.4.278.img' started.
<Guest52> =======> Prepare initramfs working directory.
<Guest52> =======> Process hooks.
<Guest52> ls /lib/modules/5.4.278/
<Guest52> kernel               modules.dep
<Guest52> modules.alias           modules.dep.bin
<Guest52> modules.alias.bin       modules.devname
<Guest52> modules.builtin           modules.order
<Guest52> modules.builtin.alias.bin  modules.softdep
<Guest52> modules.builtin.bin       modules.symbols
<Guest52> modules.builtin.modinfo    modules.symbols.bin
<sighook> have you updated mkinitramfs?
<Guest52> i dont knowI don't know what I'm doing, I'm just following the documentation haha
<Guest52> is mkinitramfs needed?
<Guest52> mkdir /etc/default
<Guest52> bash-5.2# vi /etc/default/grub
<Guest52> bash-5.2# grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi/
<Guest52> Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
<Guest52> Installation finished. No error reported.
<Guest52> bash-5.2# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
<Guest52> Generating grub configuration file ...
<Guest52> Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.278
<Guest52> Warning: os-prober will not be executed to detect other bootable partitions.
<Guest52> Systems on them will not be added to the GRUB boot configuration.
<Guest52> Check GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER documentation entry.
<Guest52> Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ...
<Guest52> done
<Guest52> its work? i will reboot if its done
<sighook> afaik, the old version of mkinitramfs didn't copied modules.order
<Guest52> os-prober not in ports?
<sighook> and that's fixed in the latest package build
<Guest52> pkgman install -vv --deps os-prober
<Guest52> pkgman: os-prober package not found.
<sighook> > Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.278 -- note that initramfs image not found.
<Guest52> nano neofetch
<sighook> > os-prober not in ports? --- nope, do you need it?
<Guest52> packages not found
<Guest52> no need haha
<Guest52> but i need neofetch
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> nano also need
<sighook> just add it
<Guest52> pkgman install neofetch
<Guest52> -- Packages not found
<Guest52> neofetch
<Guest52> pkgman install nano
<Guest52> -- Packages not found
<Guest52> nano
<sighook> no, i mean, add the package
<sighook> :-D
<Guest52> wtf
<sighook> and why anyone needs nano, when vim can highlight pkgadd.conf, pkgman.conf, etc?
<Guest52> pkgman search neovim
<Guest52> pkgman: no matching packages found.
<Guest52> ahaha
<sighook> bro, if pkgman search --regex 'nano|neofetch' shows nothing
<sighook> then there are no such pkgsrcs.
<sighook> ^_^
<Guest52> ls
<Guest52> btrfs-progs#6.9-1.pkg.tar.gz          pkgsrc-core
<Guest52> linux#5.4.278-1.pkg.tar.gz          pkgsrc-system
<Guest52> linux-firmware#20240610-1.pkg.tar.gz  pkgsrc-xorg
<Guest52> it
<Guest52> my /usr/src/
<Guest52> ports
<Guest52> i will reboot
<sighook> nooooo
<sighook> wait
<Guest52> i hope can booting
<sighook> did you crossed your fingers?
<Guest52> wait fot
<Guest52> wait for
<sighook> let's pray
<Guest52> hihihi
<sighook> ^_^
<Guest52> bash-5.2# cat /etc/fstab
<Guest52> #
<Guest52> # /etc/fstab: static file system information
<Guest52> #
<Guest52> # See fstab(5) for more information.
<Guest52> #
<Guest52> #/dev/zpln/root / ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime 1 1
<Guest52> #/dev/zpln/swap swap swap defaults 0 0
<Guest52> #/dev/sda1 /boot vfat defaults,noatime,nodiratime 1 2
<Guest52> #/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
<Guest52> #/dev/sr0 /dvd udf ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
<Guest52> # efi-related entries
<Guest52> efivars /sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # Note that a tmpfs can swap.
<Guest52> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,nodev,nosuid,size=2G 0 0
<Guest52> # build in ram
<Guest52> pkgmk /var/cache/pkgmk/work tmpfs defaults,uid=pkgmk,size=16G 0 0
<Guest52> # the following entries are required for proper system operation
<Guest52> devpts /dev/pts devpts noexec,nosuid,gid=tty,mode=0620 0 0
<Guest52> i forget for my fstab
<sighook> shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 ?
<Guest52> i dont know
<Guest52> uncommend?
<sighook> it's recommended to mount /dev/shm as tmpfs
<sighook> also, where is your devices?
<sighook> boot device, root device
<Guest52> bash-5.2# cat /etc/fstab
<Guest52> # efi-related entries
<Guest52> efivars /sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # Note that a tmpfs can swap.
<Guest52> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,nodev,nosuid,size=2G 0 0
<Guest52> # build in ram
<Guest52> pkgmk /var/cache/pkgmk/work tmpfs defaults,uid=pkgmk,size=16G 0 0
<Guest52> # the following entries are required for proper system operation
<Guest52> devpts /dev/pts devpts noexec,nosuid,gid=tty,mode=0620 0 0
<Guest52> shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # End of file.
<Guest52> bash-5.2# cat /etc/fstab
<Guest52> # efi-related entries
<Guest52> efivars /sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # Note that a tmpfs can swap.
<Guest52> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,nodev,nosuid,size=2G 0 0
<Guest52> # build in ram
<Guest52> pkgmk /var/cache/pkgmk/work tmpfs defaults,uid=pkgmk,size=16G 0 0
<Guest52> # the following entries are required for proper system operation
<Guest52> devpts /dev/pts devpts noexec,nosuid,gid=tty,mode=0620 0 0
<Guest52> shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # End of file.
<sighook> good, but where are your boot & root devices?
<Guest52> # efi-related entries
<Guest52> efivars /sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # Note that a tmpfs can swap.
<Guest52> #tmpfs /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,nodev,nosuid,size=2G 0 0
<Guest52> # build in ram
<Guest52> pkgmk /var/cache/pkgmk/work tmpfs defaults,uid=pkgmk,size=16G 0 0
<Guest52> # the following entries are required for proper system operation
<Guest52> devpts /dev/pts devpts noexec,nosuid,gid=tty,mode=0620 0 0
<Guest52> shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # efi-related entries
<Guest52> efivars /sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # Note that a tmpfs can swap.
<Guest52> #tmpfs /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,nodev,nosuid,size=2G 0 0
<Guest52> # build in ram
<Guest52> pkgmk /var/cache/pkgmk/work tmpfs defaults,uid=pkgmk,size=16G 0 0
<Guest52> # the following entries are required for proper system operation
<Guest52> devpts /dev/pts devpts noexec,nosuid,gid=tty,mode=0620 0 0
<Guest52> shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # efi-related entries
<Guest52> efivars /sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # Note that a tmpfs can swap.
<Guest52> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,nodev,nosuid,size=2G 0 0
<Guest52> # build in ram
<Guest52> pkgmk /var/cache/pkgmk/work tmpfs defaults,uid=pkgmk,size=16G 0 0
<Guest52> # the following entries are required for proper system operation
<Guest52> devpts /dev/pts devpts noexec,nosuid,gid=tty,mode=0620 0 0
<Guest52> shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # efi-related entries
<Guest52> efivars /sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs defaults 0 0
<Guest52> # Note that a tmpfs can swap.
<Guest52> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,nodev,nosuid,size=2G 0 0
<Guest52> # build in ram
<Guest52> pkgmk /var/cache/pkgmk/work tmpfs defaults,uid=pkgmk,size=16G 0 0
<Guest52> # the following entries are required for proper system operation
<Guest52> devpts /dev/pts devpts noexec,nosuid,gid=tty,mode=0620 0 0
<Guest52> shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
<sighook> still don't see boot&root devices
<Guest52> why in libera chat cant copy
<Guest52> i have it
<Guest52> root home and boot/efi devices
<sighook> dunno, i just make /catfile /etc/fstab in irssi
<sighook> ^_^
<sighook> maybe you're using the web client
<Guest52> please correction
<sighook> ahh, i see.
<Guest52> why in liberachat cant copy
<Guest52> really strange
<Guest52> reboot now ok?
<sighook> i dunno, never used btrfs
<sighook> you're on your own
<Guest52> hahaha
<Guest52> if not boot i will chroot again
<Guest52> but next day.i will sleep
<sighook> > why in liberachat cant copy -- maybe that's an web client has that limitation
<sighook> > but next day.i will sleep -- yeah, me too.
<Guest52> thanks i will contact u on discord tommorow
<Guest52> give discord link in your github profile zpln
Guest52 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
<sighook> it's kinda... i dunno, bro. don't wanna make it official.
<sighook> it's just a shitty channel on who-knows-when-it-dies server/company :-D
<sighook> irc forever!