sighook changed the topic of #zeppe-lin to: Zeppe-Lin GNU/Linux | WWW: | GH: | IRCLogs:
sighook has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
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zeppbot has joined #zeppe-lin
<zeppbot> pkgmk: unpack_source(): add .tar.zst and .tzst
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<zeppbot> add pkgmk.conf.sample
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<zeppbot> pkgmk: 5.43.1-c34eccf -> 5.43.1-a7469da, improve pkgmk.conf
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<zeppbot> cpuid: 20240324 -> 20240330
<zeppbot> whois: 5.5.21 -> 5.5.22
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<zeppbot> poppler: 24.03.0 -> 24.04.0
<zeppbot> firefox-darkreader-bin: 4.9.80 -> 4.9.81
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<zeppbot> docker-bin: 25.0.4 -> 26.0.0
<zeppbot> docker-compose-bin: 2.25.0 -> 2.26.1
<zeppbot> zaproxy-bin: 2024-03-25 -> 2024-04-02
zeppbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]