sighook changed the topic of #zeppe-lin to: Zeppe-Lin GNU/Linux | WWW: | GH: | IRCLogs:
sighook has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
sighook has joined #zeppe-lin
zeppbot has joined #zeppe-lin
<zeppbot> ca-certificates: 20230822 -> 20231212
<zeppbot> iana-etc: 20231107 -> 20231205
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zeppbot has joined #zeppe-lin
<zeppbot> handbook: 1.2.2-8f2904b -> 1.2.2-bb874f3
<zeppbot> libedit: initial commit, v20230828-3.1
zeppbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<zeppbot> mkrootfs: 1.3.1-c80d6f3 -> 1.3.1-5f87555
<zeppbot> libedit: fix deps
<zeppbot> linux-firmware: 20231111 -> 20231211
<zeppbot> linux: 5.4.256 -> 5.4.263
<zeppbot> chrony: initial commit, v4.5
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<zeppbot> xorg-server: 21.1.9 -> 21.1.10, fix CVEs (see commit message)
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<zeppbot> oath-toolkit: initial commit, v2.6.9
<zeppbot> xmlsec: initial commit, v1.3.2
<zeppbot> password-store-otp: add imagemagick example
<zeppbot> password-store-otp: 003_time.patch: update OTP expiration output
<zeppbot> password-store-otp: initial commit, v1.2.0
<zeppbot> zbar: initial commit, v0.23.90
<zeppbot> zbar: update README formatting
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<zeppbot> expect: rm junk, relbump
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