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hey! just had a bit of a question about best practices involving the ghdl plugin. if i need to be able to instantiate chip-specific primitives that yosys won't infer (plls, for instance), would the "correct" way to do that be to fully elaborate my project with ghdl, then use write_verilog to save everything to a verilog file and then use that for
synthesis? it seems a bit messy, but i can't figure out any other way to refer to primitives in vdhl...
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ghdl has already elaborated the design to yosys; you can use it directly
what the hell... could have sworn that i tried that. well, productive waste of a few hours i guess
I guess it wouldn't work if the GHDL elaboration doesn't match the yosys cell definition, though
yeah, but that should be fine as long as i'm careful to correctly match things up. i could also write vhdl wrappers for the primitives that i need for a bit more flexibility, i suppose
what's the chip you're targeting?
the ice40. got an icebreaker fpga board recently
that shouldn't be too painful then.
unfortunately a new enough version that they don't seem to have posted the pinout or schematics, so there's a bit of trial and error...
but other than that it's not so bad
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the only other struggle i've had build-wise is that if i split entities into their own files, which seems like the norm, ghdl seems to require that the files be analysed in dependency order, which makes automating the build a bit annoying, unless i modify my makefile every time i add a new entity
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