I am working for a company that does not allow their Linux servers to access full Internet, so they told me they are only allowed to create a list of mirrors that Yocto uses to add them to their Firewall,
Is this idea possible ? Because I know that there are some major mirrors for Yocto that do not change, but I think the idea is not possible for making Yocto works only with specific mirrors, also one cannot collect all mirrors for sure
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BhsTalel: the downloads.yoctoproject.org mirror covers everything in oe-core and hopefully meta-oe too, but it won't cover _all_ sources you'll need so you need to figure something out. you can download on another machine (eg bitbake world --runall fetch) to create a local source mirror and copy that to the servers?
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rburton The issue that we don't have Linux hosts, it is not allowed to have Linux hosts, and other solutions like (WSL, docker, ...) cannot work too, so I need to figure out the full list of mirrors,
maybe I will start with the downloads.yoctoproject.org mirror and for every FetchError I will collect the new mirror
hello. i have an automatic ci/cd that builds images. however, sometimes i get the following error
Bitbake Fetcher Error: FetchError('Unable to fetch URL from any source.', 'git://git.toradex.com/linux-toradex.git;protocol=git;branch=toradex_5.4-2.3.x-imx')
im not sure why it happens, but re-building usually fixes it.
is there any workaround for this? (e.g, retry fetch multiple times?)
Guest13: the work around is to mirror it locally once you have fetched it. Network is unreliable so keeping as much as possible locally helps with that
and also, makes things much faster AND is kinder to those git servers that are then less hit :)
qschulz how do I do that?
Guest13: the easiest is to share DL_DIR between your CI workers
do i need a separate machine for the mirrors?
i suppose i cant use it in the same machine as the ci job since it runs in docker
I personally only use a shared DL_DIR over NFS between our different CI workers
I would only set a PREMIRRORS if you want users to build stuff locally and make use of that local mirror
same for SSTATE_DIR, I share that over NFS
but if I had users of that sstate cache, I would make it a SSTATE_MIRROR
basically, shared dir = read-write, mirror = read-only from user perspective
so if source_mirror_url is set and the ci worker doesnt find anything there, what happens?
it skips, or fetches and stores it there?
(i suppose since its ready only, it just skips?)
Guest13: the mirror is read-only, your worker will hit the mirror first (provided you set it up as PREMIRRORS), if not found, will it the other PREMIRRORS if any, then upstream (as listed in SRC_URI), if not, then in MIRRORS
and download this locally in its DL_DIR
sorry, it'll look first into its own DL_DIR, if not found then goes to the premirrors first, then upstream, then mirrors
so each worker would download locally, ideally from the premirror you've set up
something has to feed this mirror though otherwise it'll stay empty (as it's read-only from user perspective)
so, recapping, for CI workers, i should use the read-write which is
for user perspective, they can use the bitbake.dowloads setting the mirrors, right?
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Guest13: I think they could yes, but make it a PREMIRROR for your users
otherwise they may modify DL_DIR
and you don't want that
e.g. a user runs bitbake -c cleanall <recipe> and one of your CI worker is running and fetching this tarball at the same time it's being removed => problems
(in any case, never run -c cleanall or -c cleansstate on anything that is using a shared build directory, shared download directory or shared sstate cache
ah never mind, didn't take the time to read what that was doing
no clue how to do this on non self-hosted workers
we have a self-hosted GitLab instance + workers, so we have some ansible mounting this NFS on the host, then have it exposed inside the gitlab worker via volumes
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nfs-common
trying to mount it on the docker image, no success for now :(
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BTW, before I forget, do **NOT** access DL_DIR/SSTATE_DIR at the same through NFS and through another fs, the flock doesn't work across those (been there :) )
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Hey, anyone have any experience building Yocto Linux under Gentoo?
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Guest60: go ahead, maybe it's not even gentoo specific what you're about to ask or state
qschulz: it is supposed to work, that is probably your nfs setup
qschulz: well, no supposed, it does on the autobuilder
notably though the AB has a NAS appliance for the NFS server that is not linux
RP: so you have one worker using e.g. ext4, and another using NFS with the content from the ext4 fs and it works just fine?
Guest60: I use gentoo to build YP based linux yes
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qschulz: I was thinking that the nas can change and work with files but as rburton says, that is a BSD NAS appliance
I've only done local ext4 shared over NFS
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RP: it's been a very long time (2 years probably?) since the IT looked into it, so I cannot provide more info than we just stopped doing this entirely and migrated everything over NFS, even when the NFS was basically localhost
qschulz: fair enough,I have some memory of this now. Would be nice to understand what went wrong as in theory it should work
funny how the discussion started the exact same way, just a year and a half later :D
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I'm a bit perplex with what bitbake returns in DEPENDS for my PACKAGECONFIG varflag
I have
PACKAGECONFIG[gallium] = "-Dgallium-drivers=${@strip_comma('${GALLIUMDRIVERS}')}, -Dgallium-drivers='', libdrm ${@'libclc' if 'iris' in d.getVar('GALLIUMDRIVERS', '').split(',') else ''}"
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but it keeps it inline somehow, and then for the native variant of the recipe, I get 'libclc'-native if-native 'iris'-native etc.... in DEPENDS
keeps it inline -> keeps it unexpanded/unresolved
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using an intermediate variable made it work... what am I missing here?
qschulz: is there some kind of conditional inherit involved? or how/where is PACKAGECONFIG set?
it is probably related to how/when/where the PACKAGECONFIG code is processed
mmm could be the anonymous python then I guess
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but d.getVar in the anonymous function should expand this by default as that's the default value for getVar method from the DataSmart
qschulz: could be some sort of quoting problem, or a genuine bug
RP: I was already surprised by ${@strip_comma('${GALLIUMDRIVERS}')} (already in the recipe)
RP: moving ${@'libclc' if 'iris' in d.getVar('GALLIUMDRIVERS', '').split(',') else ''} to VAR= and then use ${VAR} in PACKAGECONFIG[gallium] worked just fine
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so doesn't seem to be a quoting issue?
qschulz: I suspect the regex bitbake is using to find code to run or something so two ${@} usages or something
RP: then a corner case somewhere because we have multiple regex in PROVIDES of the same recipe for example (though on a newline each....)
sorry, multiple inline python
this mesa update is a bit of a nightmare for someone who knows nothing of mesa nor meson :)
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mesa, meson, that already sounds confusing ;p
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khem: I'm trying to work out the mesa-native 24.1.0 recipe and we now need libclc for x86 hosts (iris Gallium driver requires clc now...)
khem: however I get:
The file /usr/lib/libLLVMPasses.a is installed by both llvm-native and clang-native, aborting
master branch on meta-clang
have you seen this already or is this one more new issue (which could be PEBKAC :) ) I found in the last couple of days :( ?
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So, it seems that we do a split by comma in PACKAGECONFIG before running the inline python
and since I used a comma in my inline python... it broke the parsing in weird ways that didn't fully break the parsing
just put the rest of the stuff in RDEPENDS (IIRC that's what after DEPENDS in the PACKAGECONFIG[v] entry?)
So that's why putting it in another variable made it work
so not sure what to do with this, is this an actual bug or not?
because I'm not sure we want to expand everything in PACKAGECONFIG[v] before we split by comma?
qschulz: oh, interesting. I wonder if we should detect/warn about that
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Hi all. Is there a variable i can use in a .bbappend file that refers to the location of the .bbappend file, and not the original recipe? I'm trying to do something like `FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"` but it resolves to the wrong location
wdouglass: that's exactly what this does
wdouglass: but I think you may be looking at the wrong thing, can you explain what you're trying to do and what's happening?
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khem: never mind, it's because we both have gallium and gallium-llvm in mesa-native and that gallium now requires lblc-native which brings clang-native as well....
I'm trying to add functionality to a devkit which defines a bunch of packages in place with EXTERNALSRCDIR. It uses a config file that matches the SDK development board, and not the custom board i'm designing. I can override the board config in one of the tools that comes from upstream in a make argument, so i've created a BBAPPEND that looks like this: https://pastebin.com/uCxUzeX5
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I think because of EXTERNALSRCDIR, it's not actually copying `board_config` anywhere, and ${B} is referring to the source directory for the upstream package
then the upstream looks in the original recipe directory, and not the bbappend location
yup, expected
so my question is -- what do? how do i get it to find `board_config` in the right place?
you can use BBAPPEND_LOCATION := "${THISDIR} and then EXTRA_OEMAKE:append = " BOARD_CONFIG=${BBAPPEND_LOCATION}/board_config"
Oh interesting
BUT, this isn't ideal ayway
what is ideal? it seems not-obvious to me when all of these things get parsed
your SRC_URI should put this file somewhere available to your recipe
in everything but the current master branch of Yocto, it's WORKDIR
I understand. can i undo the `inherit externalsrc` that's in the original recipe? I'm trying very hard not to patch the upstream sdk
so if you use BOARD_CONFIG=${WORKDIR}/board_config this could probably work
ok i'll give that a shot
wdouglass: no, you cannot uninherit stuff as far as I know
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${WORKDIR}/board_config worked! thanks a ton qshulz!
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note that using WORKDIR is a bit finicky, so I could suggest using destsuffix into e.g. ${S} for example and then use ${S} instead of WORKDIR
the issue being that if you remove the SRC_URI, the file will still exist (except if you remove your whole TMPDIR)
(well, the one for the recipe, that is)
hence why we're migrating to UNPACKDIR now
well because of the externalsrc inherit, ${S} is the upstream source directory
so it doesn't seem right to put stuff there
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nothing better to suggest right now
for not-master, WORKDIR/ is the right thing
rburton: yes, but still not always working
ok thank you guys very much (because of my vendor, i'm stuck on kirkstone for the time being, so i'm a bit behind the times anyway)'
wdouglass: kirkstone is not THAT bad, you still have two years to prepare for the next update ;)
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RP: ah, discovered that packageconfig-conflicts-for-f1 isn't expanded at all? Tried to use with inline python or a variable and it didn't parse
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this is binutils for musl on target and I wonder why its complaining about ld-linux-x86-64.so.2()(64bit) which comes from glibc
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khem: no idea on that :/
and its using plain poky
it is as if it has lost the glibc provides
hmm, rc1 is a bust
* RP
merges a fix and tried an rc2
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We are using qsb (qt shader tool), and it lives in the native part of the sdk. Let's say you have a SDK from mickledore and someone using a host Ubuntu 24. When `qsb` runs on shader it will fail because of linkage on libGLdispatch.so.0 on the host machine. `/$SDKPATH/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.38` not found (required by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLdispatch.so.0)` If you use an older version of
Ubuntu it now works. If we upgrade to newer yocto version it now works again. Wondering if this is more of how we use the tool, qt issue or yocto sdk issue? We don't really need to target multiple version of glsl, we don't build for hlsl and metal either, so maybe the tool is useless to us?
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roussinm: you need the libc in the SDK to be >= than the host libc. The newer yocto build will have a newer libc
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Is that always a requirement?
roussinm: it depends how much you're mixing up the binaries/libs
RP: I guess here the problem is the GL library, because cmake works correctly.
roussinm: right, that would do it
the problems start when mixing elements of both, then you need the SDK to be >=
RP: I think that's pretty much only tool that we need that uses libGLdispatch. Wondering if libglvnd would help?
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roussinm: I don't know enough about that specifically to comment. I've just spent far too long with linking errors like that
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so I have a system where the only storage medium is micro sd. I *hate* micro sd, but I don't have much choice in the matter... Somehow today, the overlayfs I have sitting on top of my a/b rootfs shows as totally fine when examine from another machine, but when booted up, the system has various strange things. For instance the machine id was actually visible in /etc/locale.conf, and my rauc system config had
been seemingly replaced by the keymap for a remote control. Those files were not altered in the real rootfs however (squashfs) and not present when examining the overlayfs somewhere else. I guess, what I'm asking here is, does it sounds like that micro sd is on its way out, or what ?
trying to rm the affected files just said, stale file handle
no expert but to me it sounds like the whole setup is about to crumble heh
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RP: the binutils issue does not happen when building on debian12 container but only on latest archlinux so I guess some future problem that I am seeing