LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
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<luca020400> LuK1337: is gnome 42 theme setting doing anything for
<luca020400> != linadwaita apps?
<LuK1337> no
<luca020400> ok
<luca020400> so it's useless and I have to keep using dark theme
<luca020400> consistency!
<LuK1337> consistency died with libadwaita
<luca020400> yeah
<luca020400> it's horrible from what I've seen
<luca020400> also, I still can't get screen sharing working on chromium
<luca020400> but that's for another time
<luca020400> at least vs code has a terminal emulator builtin