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<luca020400> I did not know this was a thing
<LuK1337> didn't know they had others
<LuK1337> thought only `and`,`or`, `not` existed
<LuK1337> and everything below is just cursed
<luca020400> I knew and/or
<luca020400> but array access and {}
<luca020400> are wild
<LuK1337> i know not a lot because someone i work with really likes it..
<luca020400> oh no
<LuK1337> but he doesn't care when i push code with !
<LuK1337> so idk
<LuK1337> also they wrote their own Optional type
<LuK1337> and it was crashing here after last change
<LuK1337> but not crashing anywhere else
<luca020400> c++ optional is weird
<luca020400> you can0t debug it
<LuK1337> so i just made it inherit std::optional and added constexpr "aliases" for his previous methods
<luca020400> "step into" is just broken
<luca020400> I ended up writing my own...
<LuK1337> weird
<luca020400> so there might be a reason they did that
<luca020400> and optional is easy enough
<LuK1337> btw can you believe that it was impossible to preserve constructors from parent for like many years?
<luca020400> preserve as in?
<LuK1337> up until c++14 or so
<LuK1337> include parent constructors in class
<LuK1337> nowadays you can do that
<LuK1337> but previously you'd have to implement all constructors one by one in `B`
<luca020400> ah
<luca020400> I didn't know you could do that
<luca020400> lol
<LuK1337> yeah, it's handy
<luca020400> so it would use the same ctor as A?
<LuK1337> yes
<luca020400> can you do "super" calls?
<LuK1337> yes, but you'd need to type A::A(...);
<LuK1337> which is meh
<luca020400> ok I see
<LuK1337> if it was super(...) it wouldn't be that bad
<LuK1337> but i don't like having to specify whole class name
<LuK1337> and i really had 0 interest in touching anything in constructors
<LuK1337> so using A::A; is perfect
<luca020400> so my carrier only allows to use credit cards for automatic payments
<luca020400> why
<LuK1337> what else would they allow to use?
<luca020400> credit
<luca020400> hopefully I can bypass and make a recurrent payment via the bank
<luca020400> oh fuck
<luca020400> voice support is voice based
<LuK1337> ?
<luca020400> I'm talking to a robot that tries recognizing my voice
<luca020400> instead of the good old "press 1"
<LuK1337> xD
<LuK1337> don't you have live chat or something?
<luca020400> it's a ROBOT
<LuK1337> my carrier has built in live chat in their app
<luca020400> as well
<LuK1337> oh i get real human
<luca020400> someone in albania is far better than a robot, I want old service back :(