LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
<luca020400> LuK1337: some stupid google idea is probably going ahead: moving all vendor artifacts to APEX
<LuK1337> why
<luca020400> I have no idea
<luca020400> they blocked me from preview docs :(
<luca020400> not that I was supposed to be there
<LuK1337> were you somehow allowed in
<LuK1337> or did they not secure them?
<luca020400> for a bit with calyx mail I could see shitp
<luca020400> probably did fuckup some perms
<luca020400> with google account I'm auth, calyx has perms, but can't see anyways
<luca020400> *I'm not auth
<luca020400> I hate netd
<luca020400> kill me