LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
<cehteh> eh what does that mean?
<LuK1337> that you'll have to flash new fw before you'll be able to flash new builds
ls has joined #titandev
<cehteh> hum thanks for saying, but how, docs .. and wont that shoot into the feet of many users?
<LuK1337> it'll show on screen during installation that A11 fw is required
<LuK1337> just like it did with A10 one
<LuK1337> oh well
<LuK1337> freenode channel just got killed
<LuK1337> 04:53 <@freenodecom> This channel has been reopened with respect to the communities and new users. The topic is in violation of freenode policy:
<LuK1337> 04:53 <@freenodecom> The new channel is ##titandev
<cehteh> yeah
<LuK1337> amd ##titandev is someone else's channel
<cehteh> the 'new' freenode team does hostile takeovers for any channes that advertize libera
<cehteh> i am just wait to see that happen for ##prolog and ##posix too :D
<LuK1337> but damn, freenode is really not doing good...
<cehteh> damage is done
<cehteh> now he recruited new inexperienced ircops, new policies, enforcing them
<cehteh> it a mess on the shoulders of the users
<LuK1337> lmao
ls has quit [Quit: WeeChat 3.1]
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<whitekidney> fuck that freenode guy
<LuK1337> xD
<whitekidney> i had to go through the effort of reconfiguring my bouncer
<whitekidney> rough life
<LuK1337> so did probably like 10k other users
<LuK1337> how many are online on libera atm?
<whitekidney> i've checked a bunch of channels (i just changed the server entry, so i kept all my channels) - most channels seems to have moved
<LuK1337> cehteh: lol
<whitekidney> ubuntu, gentoo, matrix, ffmpeg are quite popular
<whitekidney> i noticed they hijacked your topic too
<LuK1337> they hijacked all channels with in topic
<LuK1337> and redirected them to ##...
<LuK1337> which makes no sense for many of these channels including mine
<whitekidney> oh, wonderful, the guy is a massive cunt in addition to being a complete douchebag
<LuK1337> where ##titandev is some dead channel of random guy
_whitelogger has joined #titandev
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<LuK1337> luca020400: btw op9pro still has basic snet after unlock
<luca020400> weird...
<LuK1337> good
<luca020400> ah nvm
<luca020400> it's fine
hanetzer has joined #titandev
<hanetzer> shat a shitshow.