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<tmn505> tagr: the only thing lacking for wifi to work was nvram.txt file, which are calibration options for the driver. I was preparing simple changelog (https://paste.debian.net/1332376) for that file from L4T archives and wanted to check prevoius submisions for similar files in linux-firmware repo before replying back,
<tmn505> Issue with this commit is that it added nvram file for TX2 module as TX1 nvram. Both modules seem to have similar SDIO chip, nontheless, calibration data differs so I don't know if that's correct approach. I will briefly test it on my board if there are any issues.
<tagr> tmn505: okay, sounds great
<tagr> I'm sure we can work with Peter if anything ends up not working for you and we need a different file on Jetson TX1
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