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<tmn505> could someone with access to Trimslice test if simple reboot with kernel 6.1 or newer works? Thanks
<kwizart> tmn505, I'm running 6.1 or newer on trimslice, what's your issue ,
<kwizart> ?
<tmn505> it initiates reboot fine but stops when it's supposed to reboot.
<tmn505> only unplugging and replugging power works
<tmn505> caveat: I've got the early batch without programmed PMIC, but previously reboot worked without issues with 5.10 and 5.15
<kwizart> do you have recent u-boot ? also self-built kernel or distro one ?
<tmn505> I tested with 2023.01 and 2020.04
<tmn505> it's independent of it's version, only changing kernel affects the reboot issue
<tmn505> *its
<tmn505> what else changed is that I use;a=blob;f=target/linux/tegra/patches-5.15/101-ARM-dtc-tegra-enable-front-panel-leds-in-TrimSlice.patch to enable LEDS. On 5.15, before loading leds-gpio module the LEDs are down, but on 6.1 they are glowing before loading the module.
<tmn505> wanted to ask if the issues I spotted are only afecting me before starting to bisect
<digetx> CONFIG_VIDEO_TEGRA_VDE should be enabled in the kernel config and driver should be loaded for devices with no proper h/w reset function, trimslice is one of these devices; alternatively you could add "pd_ignore_unused" to the kernel cmdline
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