<cyndis> digetx: fixed the iommu issue and needing to disable firewall, haven't seen the firewall failures so far though
<cyndis> I can't disable the IOMMU, if I disable CONFIG_TEGRA_IOMMU_SMMU for some reason init crashes immediately and the kernel panics
<cyndis> (even without my patches)
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<digetx_> cyndis: thank you, the staging uapi works now using the v7, but new uapi still has the fw errors https://dpaste.com/48EM4RPW6.txt (T20), the "mapped addresses" are wrong (m->iova == m->iova_end)
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<cyndis> is this with smmu enabled or disabled?
<cyndis> or both
<cyndis> I guess bo->size must be zero
<digetx> T20 has GART, but it's not supported by upstream yet (inactive), so no IOMMU for T20 using yours v7
<cyndis> yep, I guess no-iommu path doesn't set bo->size, and I had only tested with IOMMU path so far, and on newer chips where I tested without IOMMU the firewall is otherwise disabled
<cyndis> digetx: can you test http://cyndis.org/~cyndis/size_diff.txt?
<digetx> cyndis: it works, thank you
<cyndis> great, thanks for testing
<digetx> I will test opentegra next and then start to review
<cyndis> thanks
<digetx> cyndis: the init crash is not good, please try to enable kasan in kernel config
<cyndis> of course, with kasan enabled, the bug disappears.. :)
<p2-mate> heisenbug :)
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