Hi! New to SolveSpace and pretty excited to find this. Have downloaded v3.1 and am running it on an MBP M1 (AARM) + MacOS 12.6. Am currently going through the tutorials and am wondering if there's a way to specify dimensions when sketching a-la Google SketchUp style? ie: immediately typing in the dimension VS eyeballing it with the mouse/trackpad/<insert_favorite_HMI_device_here> then clicking/hitting "D" to change the
dimension to what was intended?
Also, what are the default units? mm? and can they be changed?
ok, confirmed in the Reference (manual) that default is mm.
ok, got another similar question to #1: when sketching, is there a way to restrict a line to a normal (or angle?) in realtime VS after the fact and then selecting Vertical or Horizontal? Also, is there no "snap-to" detection/feature when attempting to draw lines that hover over intersecting shapes?
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