<vipqualitypost> is this a known issue? this is my first time building on linux (build instructions are perfect from a clean install btw), it's not a hidpi screen but is wide (3440x1440)
<azonenberg> We recently fixed some issues around resize causing vulkan problems on macos and there may have been regressions or new bugs introduced
<azonenberg> give as much detail as you can about distro, window manager, etc
<azonenberg> also @lainpants ^ this is probably related to your recent resize work
<azonenberg> @vipqualitypost most likely something is going wrong during the resize handler, i may be sending you a test build with some additional logging or something
<azonenberg> honestly resize is a sufficiently non-hot path i should probably add some more LogTrace() calls there all the time that can be turned on as needed. Give me a few mins and i'll see what i can do there...
<vipqualitypost> oh, i actually had not realized that mainline ubuntu was shipping wayland!
<azonenberg> yeah. anyway, as a short term workaround / troubleshooting mecahnism try seeing if you can run under x11 (or xwayland?)
<azonenberg> regardless of whether it fixes the problem or not, it'll be useful data
<azonenberg> i'm pretty sure resize used to work under wayland
<azonenberg> so my guess is when we fixed it on macos we broke it there :p
<azonenberg> yay portability
<vipqualitypost> GDK_BACKEND=x11 ngscopeclient is this all I need to do? It open the application but I lose all the handles to move/resize windows 😄
<azonenberg> I dont know wayland at all, can't comment on how to run under x11. what i can say is, we do not use GDK directly for windowing
<azonenberg> so unless some other code uses that env var it won't touch us
<azonenberg> (the one exception being the file chooser dialog if you have the native/GTK one selected)
<vipqualitypost> no worries
<vipqualitypost> thanks for looking into it