alright, so I managed to get scopehal-apps building on Windows by using the advice from issue #715 (running "cmake --build . -j4" instead of "make"), but when I try to run ngscopeclient, I'm missing several DLLs (libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll, among others). Has anyone else encountered this?
the Internet suggests that perhaps my PATH is not set correctly?
dingwat: you can probably get away with copying those DLLs from whereever they are (in the toolchain dir I guess) into the ngscopeclient directory
save futzing around with the path variable
Darius, nice, I will give that a shot after this finishes rebuilding. Incidentally, it doesn't seem like those are in either the MinGW install or scopehall-apps, when I search my machine for the first one, it only exists in entirely unrelated program installs..
oops, disregard, remoted into the wrong box
looks like you can build with -static and it will link them into the exe
Darius, copying every DLL in msys64/ucrt64/bin seems to have worked :)
big hammer approach
yeah this is one of the biggest windows tooling issues i want to get fixed before we release v0.1 officially
I just dont have the time or windows/mingw experience