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<azonenberg> For all the folks here working on Vulkan stuff:
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<d1b2> <upupa.epops> Hmm the OWON device apparently requires reflashing on each boot, so the user will kind of be forced to have the official software installed, and run it every time he connects the device
<d1b2> <upupa.epops> Not a huge deal as it takes like 3 seconds to flash, but a bit of an incovenience
<d1b2> <david.rysk> does it need someone to write a firmware loader?
<d1b2> <david.rysk> is it cypress fx2/fx3 based? there are open source loaders for that
<d1b2> <upupa.epops> I presume distributing the firmware is not a good idea from licensing terms, the unofficial software does it but probably a bit risky
<d1b2> <upupa.epops> no idea it's probably propietary stuff, super simple code to load it tho (check )
<d1b2> <david.rysk> yeah it's typical to provide a firmware extractor that yanks the firmware from the official software binary or installer
<d1b2> <upupa.epops> the official software is java so probably very easy to do that ;)
<d1b2> <upupa.epops> going to focus first on getting the thing to talk with ngscope
<d1b2> <upupa.epops> love how simple this thing is, calibration is 60 bytes per channel
<d1b2> <upupa.epops> (don't have experience with any other scopes, but I guess that's tiny?)
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