I think I'm going to design a new probe characterization board around that Rosenberger connector
It's an excellent connector with very good performance which should make it perfect for a test board
and it launches into a microstrip directly which is nice in this case because I want to have low thermal mass for a solder probe test board
Which, obviously, a coplanar waveguide does not have
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[scopehal-apps] mubes opened issue #361: When cycling back through the history, trigger point and channel are not updated - https://git.io/JGYNg
[scopehal-apps] mubes opened issue #362: Enhancement: Trigger position cursor - https://git.io/JGYND
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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #361: When cycling back through the history, trigger point and channel are not updated - https://git.io/JGO7H
[scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #487: Raw complex I/Q sample import - https://git.io/JG3eZ
So i'm working on the next mechanical iteration of the AKL-AD3
I'm switching the tip screw/nut from 4-40 to M2x0.4mm
azonenberg: I've been tracking the FFT library discussion on here some but missed a lot too. I'm wondering if you can (without a lot of effort) put together a list of your hard requirements and nice-to-haves. Maybe a github issue? Things like: implementation language, license, supported platforms, FFT params (data types, num pts (range and powers)). I think it's probably in the backlog here, but a succinct list may be nice.
elms: ping me on sunday? i'm gonna be pretty busy until then with offline stuff
azonenberg: sounds good. I should have some time then.
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