Howdy. I'm trying to install sandstorm on an Ubuntu 20.04 server and when I get to the GPG step, it passes, but then errors out saying that the Download package seems to be more than a month old and to "verify the computer's clock is correct and try again". I have the Time zone / Date and time set correctly, so I'm lost.
has anyone encountered that?
Yeah. Unfortunately the issue is that Kenton didn't do a release this past weekend.
ok. Thank you for the reply.
The script checks to see if the script is from the last 30 days or not. But you should be able to edit that.
We should maybe add a flag so people aren't just stuck unable to install (or at least having to edit the install script) when kentonv has a busy month.
no worries, I can try to figure the editing out. I'm thinking I just have to download the install.sandstorm.io file to my computer
That might not be a bad idea. I had also considered just extending that number but Kenton found it motivating.
Yeah, it's line 1385 on install.sh
is there a way to grab the install.sh file to download to my server? it's just an ubuntu server on a VPS
You could grab it from GitHub
i tried wget then https://install.sandstorm.io . .but it just downloads an index.html file because i'm a moron :)
I think that is a reasonable thing to try, fwiw
thank you!
Unfortunately occasionally GitHub makes weird URLs that don't curl or wget well either.
ah. I see.
I think curl might follow the download better than wget, since that's how we tell people to run it.
There's probably a flag to follow redirects, but alternatively just change the `| bash` in the instructions to `> install.sh`
I was going to suggest that ^
brilliant it worked! thank you!
So edit line 1385 with a bigger number of days then run that locally and hopefully you shouldn't have any other issues, but we are here if you do.
bingo, it worked, thank you so much! i appreciate it.
no problem
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