I'm I've just used vagrant-spa with the gaoling stack to create a new package for my app and obviously the default aren't quite right -- kind of expect that
What do I need to custom here?
I've been following the tutorial but the tutorial assumes you're following the PHP example which I'm not so :D
The .sandstorm/launcher.sh points to something like exec /opt/app/app
Where/How does /opt/app/app get in here?
Hmm there's also a build.sh maybe that needs to be customised too
Okay okay I see...
You guys have done a nice job here 👌
# runtime/cgo
_cgo_export.c:3:10: fatal error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
Q: How do I determine the notion of a "dev" environment here for Sandstorm?
I need to distinguish between "dev" and "prod" modes essentially
Oooh boi this is hard
I'm not actually sure how to setup sane defaults for my app here
Help? :D
prologic! Hey!
I also just discovered this:
When a Sandstorm grain is running, Sandstorm uses a different URL for each session. This means even for a single grain, each different user visiting the site will have a different base URL. There isn't a stable URL like https://myapp.me.sandcats.io/ for an app to use.
I kind of need a public facing url for the app for my app to work at all
I hope this can be done?
Give me a couple minutes to look at the backlog once I get inside.
Without some way of configuring the app's public facing view, this won't work :/
Sure no problems!
For context; I'm attempting to package Yarn.social (https://yarn.social)
We already support Docker, Synology NAS, precompiled binaries and build from source
I'm also having trouble figuring out how to a) generate some static secrets (JWT keys) and use those for the Grain/startup?
And then insert those secrets via env var
So officially the only intended way to have a grain put out a website directly is static publishing. We also have an unsupported hack for displaying a live grain at an arbitrary subdomain, but it uses invisible iframes and such and depending what you need it might or might not be a good idea.
Generally speaking, Sandstorm is more analogous in design to like Google Drive with document types written in all different languages, than a web hosting platform.
Is Twtxt now Yarn.social?
Oh 🤦♂️
That's a bit disappointing to hear
This won't work at all then :/
I feel like twtxt could actually work really well, though, if you just need the static publishing public.
I recall explicitly discussing it as an idea for how we could get social working on Sandstorm.
[12:56:27] <ocdtrekkie> Is Twtxt now Yarn.social? <-- no. but Yarn.social uses Twtxt as it's primary format for feeds with extensions we developed along the way; so yes if you want to think of Twtxt as dead (which it largely is) and Yarn.social is it's new replacement, fine :D
Not strictly true, but more or less ;)
How difficult is it for you guys to make this work in a future version of Sandstorm?
So, what I imagine could work should work with what Sandstorm does now.
[12:55:56] <ocdtrekkie> Generally speaking, Sandstorm is more analogous in design to like Google Drive with document types written in all different languages, than a web hosting platform. <-- that's a bit limiting in scope no? I mean sure you can do a lot of things with 'static" hosting, but I feel this is a bit counter to what I _thought_ Sandstorm was trying to be some years ago when I first came across it
At least if this is the intention it should not be "marketed" as a "hosting platform" and sit alongside things like "Why you not host" :D
(Just honest feedback so far)
Man I'm find it hard to read your replies because your nick is highlighted the same color as mine
Damnit :D
Ok ayokay so yes we actually can do that here
No worries. I think there's probably some distinctions in selfhosting people haven't made before. Hosting for public access has different considerations than hosting for your own use, of which Sandstorm's moxe excels.
But one of us will have to build an entirely different thing altogether
For Sandstorm
That is a version of a yarn.social pod just for Sandstorm
At a minimum we need only a handful of things
A /twtxt.txt file to be publicly visible to the web
A /avatar.png to also be publicly visible to the web
But I think if you put your social client inside a Sandstorm grain, and every time you post, it publishes the txt and png, that should be compatible.
And some kind of "client"
Hold up
There is no reason we can't expose the required "files" anyway through Sandstorm's static hosting
I thinkI_ with a little work I can make this happen
Help me out here with what needs to changed on the yarnd backend to support this and I'll make it work :)
Because yarnd is _also_ the client here and that _should_ be available via a sandstorm user
Yeah, that's one of the concerns. There's one other one I should point you to up front.
It's just the public facing parts that need to be public
Can we jump on a video call mate?
I really am getting bad RSI in my old age
Is anyone here willing to and want to earn a bit of part-time / pocket-money cash for xmas? :D
I have a very small project for you :D
Get a Yarn.social pod working with Sandstorm -- Experience with Go _may_ (probably definitely) required
As well as Sandstorm internals of course (Web Publishing)
And we may need to implement a "Setup Wizard" for pods (what we call Yarn.social instances) to help do things like "What domain will feeds be published as?" And maybe a few other small cid bits)