What is secure way to have authentication for downloading files? It just token in header, or something more? It seems it's not so good to have token in URL. Or, should all be encrypted with javascript clientside, and only send encrypted data between browser and server?
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Someone complained that at local network when server is running with http, it's too easy to sniff network traffic and download file URLs that include token in URL from that other sniffing computer
I have not looked what additional protections Sandstorm has
I'm just thinking about files in WeKan
Well, Protonmail way would be to encrypt all at browserside
For DNS queries, those could use DNS over HTTPS so it's not visible at local network
that browser feature of DNS over HTTPS
Wekan REST API uses header auth, token is at header. That token is got from login to API.
And at WeKan reads Sandstorm header to autologin user to WeKan
For clientside encryption, Javascript could generate some token only at clientside, and use it to encrypt data
Although, then it's a question about my plans to have login etc all work without Javascript, using only HTML/CSS
so that WeKan would work with NetSurf, elinks etc
there Javascript can not be used for encryption
Well, at local network, it could be possible to store logged in user browser user agent, IP address, etc what is available, and use onetime tokens at each loaded MPA webpage, always check those tokens, IP address etc that those do not change.
Although, if someone changes network from LAN to mobile phone wifi etc, then user will be logged out
I'm just thinking about what amount of security is enough
Probably it should just be security to max, all encrypted browserside and serverside, stored encrypted serverside, logging, unlimted undo/redo etc
Is there some secure encrypted web framework that already has security to max ?
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Regarding client-side encryption: If the other party is the server, you're just reinventing TLS.
Yeah, that's kinda my reaction: "Yes, eavesdropping is a problem if you don't use encryption?" The solution is to set up HTTPS.