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<abliss> is it less work to get ekam to build in nix than to just remove ekam from sandstorm and build sandstorm in nix?
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<isd> Almost certainly, though I appreciate the sentiment.
<isd> We'd have to put a new build system in place, and that means fussing with encoding the dependency graph. Most off the shelf build systems I know have one serious deficiency or another there, and it's likely to be tricky enough that at some point we'll end up burning the time we're spending on debugging anyway...
<Corbin> Right. Nix just cares about running a shell command in order to do that, and ekam seems like a great shell command. It is far less work to just fix the wheel, even if it's for a single cart.
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<mnutt_> Getting ready to release Davros v0.31.0, a fairly large update. Changelog here:
<ocdtrekkie> wooooo
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