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<garrison> Is it possible to open a shell within a grain to run an interactive debugger? A bash prompt would work, but my real goal is to get to the julia repl, from which I can start a debugging session. This is to further debug my effort at which is failing for some unknown reason, as subprocesses of julia's
<garrison> "Distributed" multiprocessing system aren't able to see installed packages. I suspect this has something to do with the sandbox, as I cannot reproduce the issue outside sandstorm.
<ocdtrekkie> How are you packaging the app?
<ocdtrekkie> vagrant-spk enter-grain is what you are looking for, but it's unfortunately not generalized to work with other packaging tools.
<garrison> I am using docker-spk, but I can "start over" to get that feature
<ocdtrekkie> I think it might technically be able to talk to other dev mode grains, but the scaffolding around it assumes vagrant-spk, basically.
<garrison> or rather, do my investigations using vagrant-spk, then probably just go back to using docker-spk once I figure it out
<isd> ocdtrekkie: the logic for enter-grain itself is pretty agnostic towards the packaging tool, but docker-spk doesn't do the filesystem watching stuff that spk dev does, so if you try to launch a shell in a grain that doesn't have one, it just won't work, rather than pulling in the files it needs from the host dynamically.
<garrison> isd: is there any way to enter the grain using docker-spk?
<isd> docker-spk doesn't really have a version of spk dev so there's not really a comparison to make... but if you set up searchPath correctly you can do spk unpack and then spk dev...
<garrison> I have used spk dev with docker-spk. Does it have a way of entering the grain?
<isd> Not nicely bundled; we really should factor the logic out from vagrant-spk so it's usable by other tools.
<isd> You could do this inside of a vagrant-spk spawned box, and then do vagrant-spk enter-grain from outside..
<isd> It just looks for grains in dev mode, so should still work fine if it's a grain that wasn't actually launched by vagrant-spk...
<garrison> OK, I will play with this more tomorrow. Thanks for the info.
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<xet7> Why Node.js has security updates so often? It feels like PHP.
<xet7> Actually, recently Node.js has had security updates more often than PHP.
<xet7> Well, it could be that there's more research about that...
<ocdtrekkie> xet7: I would say the more prolific something is used, the more often people find ways to exploit it maliciously.
<ocdtrekkie> What PHP and Node have in common is that they're both extremely popular setups for web servers, and hence a very lucrative target for compromise.
<xet7> What programming language would be more secure?
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<TimMc> The funny thing is that it's not really the language, per se, as much as the standard library having security issues.
<TimMc> PHP's standard library is historically a giant pile of land mines.
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